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 In the setting of my constellation project, only the protagonists are able to harness directly into the power of all constellations. The Great Wizard King unified all magic systems with them!

 Normal people would only have access to like one specialized school of magic. I had a struck of inspiration and thought of an enemy wizard that uses magic that originate the Canes Venatici (hunting dogs) constellation. They'd borrow some tropes from it but would have a distinct theme and design from the actual constellation.

 Here's the Rhabdomancer!

 I thought enemy palette swap variations would be cool, so i did some;;;

Allure Rhabdomancer

 And the;;; Stench Rhabdomancer!


What do you guys think? Would making and posting enemy wizards here be interesting? <<<:



I think it would flesh out the setting pretty nicely and would be interesting to see


Thanks for the feedback Caine!!! these are a cool to exercise creation but not strain myself too much when conceptualizing them <:>