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 Depending on how Gastrin stomach's is filled, he has different dynamics to his natural abilities!

  • Pneumatic Bellow

 Gastrin's empty stomach attack - quickly fills the stomach with air and belches it out with high pressure! An almost invisible high speed projectile that has the raw power of a rubber bullet. Building up pressure lets out a powerful attack that travels slowly, but he can do sequential ones that are weaker.

  • Acid Burst

  Gastrin's acid is neatly packed in a special membrane that protects his human body disguise! With a reasonable ammount of fill the acid gets homogeneous, and can be fired out as bubbles that ricochet before rupturing. 

  • Gag Grenade

 When the stomach is almost full, the abundant material isn't entirely digested. He can wait for digestion to use Acid Burst or he can empty the whole stomach with a Gag Grenade. A huge bubble is produced and when it pops debris and acid is dispersed in the immediate area.

  • Reflux

 Acid is produced in quantities that overflow inside the human body seriously damaging it, disrupting Gastrin's snatching. He's forcefully reversed to his Snatcher form if he doesn't take a time to rest.



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