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Hello everyone! ^^ 

The last post was almost 10 days ago, so I want to use this special position to talk about something which is very important for me.

So far, all of my games were set in the My Little Pony universe and featured clop images and topics. However, I would love to create some games about characters from other games, tv shows, movies etc. . 

For example, I had an idea for a game in which the player meets D. Va from Overwatch and hooks up with her. I think this could be an amazing game but I'm unsure whether you guys would like that. Since all of my previous games are MLP related, I assume that's what you are here for. 

To be clear, this wouldn't mean that I'd stop making clop games but of course I can only work on a limited amount of games at a time. For example, this change would mean that instead of three clop games in three months, I would release one clop game and two other games in the same time. So, as tempting as it may seem, voting for new topics won't influence the amount of released games, only their content.

But keep in mind that, the more games I create about the same topic, the more they will start to feel alike and have repeating images. I think regular changes could be a nice way to bring some new energy and different sensations into the games.

Of course I want you to continue to enjoy my games and to have a say in this choice. That's why I'm asking you:  Should future games include different topics and characters from games, tv shows etc. or should I stick to MLP content exclusively?

And of course I'd love to hear your suggestions which characters and topics future games should include. Overwatch is probably the most popular one for these games but don't hold back if you want to see something less well-known. 

More updates and polls will follow soon. I have some very interesting ideas for games and I can't wait to tell you guys about them! ^^


Nicole Sunstone

I'm not one to keep an artist from doing something different or branching out, so I'm all for a little variety! As long as the games still have sexy images, I'm sure they'll be just as effective. ^_^


I’d love to see some more topics tbh, I do still want mlp stuff but it’d be nice to have some animal crossing, Pokémon, overwatch, digimon, and plenty of other popular series that could provide some good game content

Relaxing Rivers

Diversity is the spice of life and I would love to see what you can do.


I'm totally open to other topics, so I encourage some experimentation! That said, my favorite is still clop, so as long as that doesn't completely disappear, I'm happy. (Note that I've only just joined the Patreon, so if these ideas have been covered in Patreon-exclusive games, I haven't seen them yet.) One idea I'd have for another topic would be anime. There are plenty to choose from, but a couple I'd recommend are Kill la Kill and Heaven's Lost Property. They both seem like they would be good for JOI games. One more suggestion I have is to include male characters in both clop games and others for those who are interested.

Nicole Sunstone

Oh yeah, a suggestion I would make is for a Fire Emblem themed game. ^_^


I havent seen many if any Pokemon JOIs.