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Hey everyone, I hope you're having a great day!

The recent poll is now three days old, so let's take a look at the results. With the majority of people voting for a new direction, it looks like we're headed for some interesting new games in future! ^^ 

To be honest, I'm really glad you guys are on the same page as me. I love creating clop games but, as Relaxing Rivers put it so fittingly, diversity is the spice of life. However, I also want to ask those who would've prefered sticking to pony games not to worry. I will keep your preferences in mind and invite you to wait and see what the future brings. :)

Alright, now let's point our attention towards the future and talk about some game ideas.

First, I've gathered your suggestions from the last post and added some myself:

  • Pokémon 
  • Overwatch 
  • Digimon 
  • Animal Crossing 
  • Different animes: Kill La Kill ,  Heaven's Lost Property , My Hero Academia
  • Fire Emblem 
  • League Of Legends 
  • Star Wars 
  • The Legend of Zelda 
  • Miscellaneous individual characters like Bowsette, Lara Croft and Samus Aran

Of course, there are maaany more but this collection is a good starting point to put together some game ideas. Here are some I came up with:

  • Meeting D. Va from Overwatch (I already mentioned this in the last post): I don't have the background story all figured out yet but the main action is fairly straightfoward. The player is a huge fan of D. Va and gets to meet her in person. She notices how excited he is and goes along with it. A classic porn storyline. ^^
  • "Fighting" Pokémon in tall grass: The player is travelling through some tall grass and gets into fights with different Pokémon and trainers. Each one gives the player a fapping-related task which he has to complete to continue. This one would be great to include a wide variety of tasks.
  • Visiting the Animal Crossing village: The player just arrived at the new village and wants to meet all of his new neighbours. Little does he know that each one has prepared some tasks to welcome him to the village.
  • Dating simulator: This one would work with many shows and games but since I originally planned this with ponies, I probably would stick to that. Basically, my idea is a short dating simulator game with dialogue choices which influence the story and fapping instructions. This is certainly the biggest and most difficult game idea and would definetly be a long term project.

Well, that's all I have for now but I'm constantly thinking about more ideas for future games. But keep in mind that these are only ideas and that there are many factors which influence whether an idea becomes a concept and eventually a game. Nonetheless, I wanted to let you guys know about some of the stuff I'm working on. ^^

Sorry for this massive text, I feel like my posts have slowly been getting longer and longer recently. I guess I'm just excited to share my ideas with you and to see how you like them. But please let me know when my posts are getting too long. :D

I'd love hear your opinions and let me know if you have any more suggestions for characters and game concepts. 

Enjoy the rest of the week, I'll see you in the comments or the next post! ^^


Nicole Sunstone

The Pokemon encounter one sounds nifty! I also like the Animal Crossing one but I try not to lewd sweet Isabelle too much. ^_^'

Relaxing Rivers

I like the idea of a pokemon one as well, there is potential for good and "bad" encounters for example a sexy pokemon asks for gentle fapping but the bad one might be something like misdreavous casting perish song and the player has to finish within a time limit or not be allowed to cum.