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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, part 11 of the Dr. Jekyll and Hyde series, written once again by the fantastic Todd C!

Note: this audio contains a short NSFW scene towards the end, so listener discretion is advised!



Jeremy Knight

I didn't know Angela was going to fade away, I sure hope she lives on in some way. In recent episodes Lola has made me feel... mixed about her. While I still love the dominance and power she has, I feel disappointed because I relate to Angela more than I should have, she never gets to experience the joy of being the woman she wanted to be and knowing now that she'll fade away puts more of a damper on it. It makes me think of a depressing version of She Hulk.


>Angela is fading >Lola is getting stronger >Listener just wants Angela >Lola without the threat of changing back is kinda really mean >Wedding is coming up >No fix for this in sight I can't wait to see what Todd C. comes up with next. And Dangerous knocking it out the park with the performance

Camilo Iribarren

Wow... this is sad. Angela is as much part of Lola as Lola is a part of Angela. I will miss young and gentle Angela but I suspect that Lola has some gentler touches in her as well. But I do love Lola’s carnal wildness and the lust she lets us release together


I'm not going to lie I'm going to keep it real with you right now the first part of this made me straight up sad


Oh no Angela is fading away slowly....can't we just have both!

Net Neutrality

Bitch, that marble statue you destroyed had better not be the listener from the Gorgon RP. Otherwise I’ll turn YOU into stone.


lol I can't lie. I am no longer into Lola. She is just scaring me. xD Angela! Hold on girl!

Net Neutrality

The listener didn’t even tell Lola to honor Angela’s wish of letting her stay until the wedding. :(

Net Neutrality

I wish this was Persona 4, where Angela could find the strength to become at peace with Lola being a part of her, and become one with her shadow. Then the listener would have them both forever.

Todd Carney

One of my school chums and I bonded over our love of the old Incredible Hulk TV show, the way Dr. Banner was always rather sad, forever hitchhiking out of town, searching for a cure. My friend once said, "My favorite Hulk is a sad Hulk." Which I thought was an interesting thing to say. Hulk is an expression of rage that most of us can identify with, often a fantasy that we could smash what pisses us off. But a sad story shows more of the consequences, and more of the reality of living with an uncontrollably destructive side of our personality. There are very attractive attributes to Lola Hyde, as Angela's erotic dream-self, but her power is corrupting her. I think both Angela & Lola have to find a balance so that they can be happy. Dangerous makes Angela so sweet... but I think she likes to scare and manipulate us as Lola.