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Oh, my darling boy, I'm so happy to have you here with me!  I've been so lonely... but don't worry, I'll show you how good you'll have it here.  So good, you'll never want to leave.  Not that you can, anyway...
I hope you guys enjoy today's erotic roleplay, some sexy kraken girl hotness!  This originally was created as a custom roleplay, but the requester so graciously allowed me to share this with all of you.  Tentacle lovers, unite!




Nsfw is my middle name... I think..


Davy jones is a lot more erotic than I remember


Tentacle finally , why did you take so long ?

Jesse Garcia

Hehe "tentacle job"😏

Camilo Iribarren

Haul your winds and hold your waters! Whoever says that octopus are nasty clearly hasn’t met this lovely lady. I rather her tentacles all over me than Davy Jones locker


I bet she’s a squirter


I applaud your restraint in not naming this roleplay Octopussy.


Release the kraken !!!!!!


Woah...😳. That was awesome.


As a sailor I approve this roleplay.


I imagine post nut clarity hit this guy really really hard

Kiro Yoramoto

Wait wait wait, there are tentacles now and this is NOT FxF? Well now I'm just jealous.


Didn’t know I wanted it till I had it.


Once you go Kraken you never go Backen! (BA DUM TSSSS)

Romeo Santiago

Forced creampie, wow that's new.


Ok... Monster girl nsfw is the best I'm convinced. You're gonna make your audience into furries lol.


Ok, I've seen Tentacle Porn.....for reasons.......STOP JUDGING ME...*ahem*, anyway, I've seen that, and its usually the other way around......this was better, lol.

Nikkii B.

Fuck yeah, tentacles.

This guy

This isn't streaming or downloading...

Dylan lamou

So... Is this a one shot or will we be blessed with another kraken video or even a series?

Net Neutrality

“Like a thousand pairs of lips.” Damn, you’re good.


PLEASE tell me we're getting a FXF version.

Net Neutrality

There’s no contest. This is, by far, the BEST nsfw audio of them all. Lola Hyde, I dare you to try and top THIS. Also, if “Kraken” doesn’t sound sexy, another name you can use for this kind of mythical creature is “Cecaelia”.

Anthony Paquette

I would love a second part to this


kraken: you're trying to fight against my tentacles me: your what

Asa Bell

Bro, this deserves a part 2