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Nat wets her lips with a long stroke of her tongue before rolling them between her teeth with an intake of breath. “It’s filthy.”

“Well, yeah,” I reply, throwing an arm out. “That’s why we’re going to wash it.”

“But then that will make us dirty in the process,” she remarks, as though I hadn’t realized that very important fact myself.

I slink closer and hand her a bucket of frothy, soapy water, and wink. “But then we can wash each other off later.”

Her lips purse at the idea before a smile curves them. “Are you bribing me into chores, Agent [Surname]?”

“How clever you are to see through my ruse,” I purr before swinging around and walking towards the SUV. Its usual gleam is hidden beneath a cloak of dust and a splatter of mud from our latest chase through the woods. “But we only get to do that part if we do this part first.”

A long sigh sounds from behind me, and I’m glad she can’t see the triumph in my smile.

Getting to work on the bonnet, it’s not long before Nat joins me. She pinches the damp sponge between long fingers, barely holding it steady with the very tips of them. Her features wrinkle as grime begins to stain and seep into it.

I chuckle as I dunk my cloth into the bucket and begin shining up the vehicle. “It’s not that bad. It’ll only take a couple of hours.”

“Two hours?!” Her voice pitches high before catching.

I wince. “Well, maybe only one if we skip the waxing.”

“Please let us skip the waxing.” She peels away as water splashes her t-shirt, deepening the earthy-toned material into a shade of forest green. Closing her eyes, she sucks in a breath before dropping the sponge back into her bucket.

My gaze immediately snaps to her as she grabs the hem of her shirt and tugs it off in one swift motion. It reveals a very short cropped vest top that leaves swathes of toned curves on show. The sight of it draws me in, and I almost step into my own bucket of water as I tilt to one side closer to her and tip half of the contents across the sunbaked grass.

She cocks her head at me. “Need some more water?”

“I do feel a sudden thirst…”

She lets out a laugh before motioning at my part-emptied bucket. “I meant to complete this cleaning task.”

“Right,” I reply, glancing down. “I’ll go get some.”

With intense reluctance, I grab up my bucket and walk back towards the warehouse through the chain-link fencing that surrounds it.

It doesn’t take long to fill the bucket back up and shuffle back out towards the front of the building. I’m impressed that I manage to make it back without slopping the liquid everywhere.

I almost drop it completely at the sight of Nat as I return.

Looking like some model out of a soft drink commercial, her body arches in sultry lines as she scrubs at the car, her wettened skin highlighted by beams of golden sunshine which seem to have focused solely on her.

For a moment, I consider throwing the bucket of water over myself just to cool off my rapidly rising temperature.

Nat glances over her shoulder at me with a knowing glint to her deep brown eyes. “If we get this done in less than an hour, I’ll let you hose me off.”

I swallow down my laugh and smirk back instead. “Are you bribing me into chores, Agent Sewell?” I tease in the same way as she had earlier.

Her face brightens into a smile that sends my heart into palpitations, getting close to a full-blown heart-attack as she saunters towards me.

She’s so near that I have to spread my hand across the solid plane of her exposed stomach to keep a gap between us, just so that my soaring temperature doesn’t scorch her too.

“I wouldn’t want to bribe you into anything, ya rouhi. I only ever want you to do what you truly wish,” she replies. There’s a seriousness to her words, but it comes out through a silken tone that makes my legs weaken.

“Oh, screw it,” I exclaim before dropping my bucket so as I can throw my arms around her and taste the kiss she’s been offering since smiling at me. She captures me in a matching embrace, and we walk backwards together until she bumps into the bonnet of the car behind.

I glance to where the dirtied water soaks into her jeans before raising a brow at her. “That’ll stain.”

She spreads her legs wider so as I can step in close, our hips pressed into each other’s. “Right now, I really couldn’t care less.”

She stifles my teasing reply by crushing her lips onto mine once again, and my chore list flitters completely out of my mind.



As someone with inconvenience height for car washing, Nat you gotta make use of your height. But they are as bad as each other lol. Imagine A's confused frown when they saw that only part of the car is clean 🤨


😳😳 Not gonna lie, I thought that the car wash scenario was gonna be A 1000% and I am absolutely delighted to be wrong. This was so good!! Perfect flirty summer vibes ☀️ 🔥 (Plus now all of them are a mystery which makes all of them that much more fun, this one included!)


N: “If we get this done in less than an hour, I’ll let you hose me off.” I'm sorry, my MC is supposed to function how?


I might be the only one...but "Pour some sugar on me" instantly started playing in my head when the MC came back with the water and saw Nat washing thr car......🤣🤣


Aw, I’m so glad you think so! I had considered putting A in this scenario but I didn’t want to go down the “too obvious” route


Cold shower time.

Jason Bond

I suppose most N-mancers could say the same thing but it seems you perfectly captured the sensual flirting between Nat and Jason. Yes, cold shower indeed Eve LOL


I... I had to stop reading this earlier because I got giddy and was in public lol glad to have saved it!


What are soda commercials like in England?


I’ve come to conclusion that while N is prim and proper and neat and tidy and wonderfully lovely … they actually dislike cleaning (I love this special so much!)