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SNEAK PEEK ALERT: Brace yourselves for a juicy tidbit about the upcoming Book Four! I saw this scribbled on Mishka's notepad and couldn't resist sharing!




not me trying to decode the 3 millimeters of text at the bottom of the photo. time to put on my tinfoil hat


You're a tease 😏


Eat me Nat, I am all yours!


Oh yes! This is going to be so so good! When I read this scene on the N route, about their struggle with blood, I felt like I got hit with a ton of bricks! Right after N told the detective that loving them is too hard The angst is yummy! And I am ready for it!


I mean, I honestly would be giving out blood samples to all of Unit Bravo before missions after seeing what it did for Murphy. "Sip, sip everyone! We got a pack of Werewolves and some trappers to deal with!" Plus...I mean, don't we get a big hit of dopamine with Vampire Venom? Could be a fun time for both parties 😉

Jason Bond

While it wouldn't be my first choice, Jason would become a vampire if that was the only way to be with Nat long term. Perhaps the mutation might offer a less drastic way Mishka?


I saw this coming after all the hints in b3. I guess M will struggle the whole book with that, have no time to "figure things out", and it will be 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 entire book before he realizes his feelings since he'll just be stuck thinking about her blood in this one. 😫


Yeah, I love how she foreshadows. As for excitement, after finding out M is still an idiot and has no clue why he drank (and apparently likes drinking window cleaner because it tastes good) or said that stuff to A, I find it difficult to get excited. If M doesn't know now, I don't see how they ever will until the magic plot fairy allows it in b5 or b6 (especially since we were told they don't ever think about their feelings and can't know without thinking about them...).

Sharon Steventon

Ok si I know its dangerous and doesnt just happen with biting but with the risk of sounding like Bella Swan, just change me Mason, change me now!


For real. Dezh already wants him to bite her. If she knew he was struggling with it, she'd be like, "well, chow down, already and stop freaking angsting over it!".


I think it says “people, combat, maybe deduction and technology” which makes me wonder if we’re going to fight off our LI 👀


oh my god, I love this theory! that would be SO cool??


Oooooh, I’m excited to see where this goes 🔎👀


That would be too awesome! But it makes too much sense and would be fun, so no way will we get that, lol.


Not to be a spoil sport but I'd rather *see* the LI struggle being around the MC because of their blood, not just receive hints about it. Show them actually struggling with it and allow them to have a conversation about it. It's a pretty important topic to discuss, especially for the two routes who have taken the relationship to the next level. I know I would want to know if I was at risk of dying in my sleep by continuing on with the relationship and I wouldn't want to cause my lover any undue pain. >>More encouragement for turning the LI down and going to the ball with Elidor or Vieno or someone from Team Alpha<<

Brendon Andrews

Who really needs blood anyway?

Eryn Kados

This could either turn out 😍 or really 😔


I know some people want to have an adult conversation about it but I want the angst and emotional anguish that can only come from avoiding communication (looking at A).


I tend to loathe angst that can be avoided by a brief conversation, so hopefully they can come to terms with it together. I did like how it was addressed at the blood drive, the discussion was honest and however the player wished to see it a solid option was there for most personality types to respond in their own way. I am looking forward to seeing what you all come up with this round :)


Agreed. But adult conversations shall not be had because 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵. Like you, I'd like my MC to have the option to go with Elidor or Tane or Maaka instead of being forced to beg Mason to go with her and have him crap all over her again or continue his stupidity of "not understanding his feelings" because we have four books to go.


That kind of conversation will definitely be happening, but I don’t wanna just spring it on the player! 😃 There needs to be building hints for the MC to show that the LI is struggling (which MC isn’t currently aware of) before a possible breaking point!