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The MC turning up outside the warehouse soaking wet and the vamp's reactions! Which vamp's reaction was your favourite?

- N -



M's was my favorite for the soft humor. I use humor to cope a lot so I related hard XD


HAHA yeah I assume that was the MC's exact thought process as they squelched across the apartment and headed down to the car.

Caitlyn H

They were all funny but ita a Tie between M and A. A's reaction was hilarious to me.


A's was my favorite, mostly because it was the first time we got to see A blush, even if they tried not to let us see it. So cute. 900 year old muscled out hunk reduced to blushing and gawping? Brilliant.


I love how M's so confused why you're there. She's just like "Welp, get some dry clothes and get on back out there I guess, good luck or whatever"


LOL dead-on, she is not that worried.


One of my favorite bits from the N route!


It has to be N’s reaction to the puddle of water on the freshly waxed floors!

Jason Bond

I only play N's route. While I grinned at the puddle, my fave part is N asking if the neighbor is okay. She is such a caring person.

Sharon Steventon

M's reaction, after telling him what happened he says so you came for a change of clothes lol


A’s. My MC was mad at M. And in the not mad route, M was an asshole.


F's wins for me. I just love the easygoing humor of their response


Actually, I'm inclined to disagree on the drama-free bit. F's insecurity with being loved or "chosen" builds an ever-present tension simmering just under the surface. It's very clever and I'm excited to see how it boils over!


Not gonna lie.. I liked M’s a lot. My MC was hurt by what M said in the cafe so I’m glad M didn’t get to enjoy my MC all wet because they felt bad! But A’s was the funniest.

Kelsey Erickson

A & N. A for obvious reasons, & I love that N is trying not to laugh at the whole situation 😆


Which would be great, were there not a bounty on the MC's head that they've known about since chapter 1, where M 𝘸𝘢𝘴 worried about the MC and actually said they'd have to worry about the MC for them. Yet, here, they couldn't give less of a damn. Causes a bit of a disconnect... or maybe it's just a sign that the MC still means nothing to M at this point.


F for sure her reaction is so genuine after a really bad morning


I liked M's mostly because my MC was hurt and still upset from the bakery scene so tried to give M the cold shoulder. M's sort of frantic confusion was hilarious and endearing.


You're right! Even though they're Vampires, and don't actually exist, Mishka is incredible at bringing these characters to life with such realism! - N


It was brilliant wasn't it! I can't wait to see how M's route (as well as the other's obviously) progresses in Book 4! - N


So far I enjoy A's the most with N being a close second.

Myuka Noone

My fav is M, which is funny cuz my first ever route was N, but the a*s took my heart lol. I absolutely loved that MC and M actually talked about what happened at the café, shows how M is changing because of MC

ItsSteph (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-09 17:19:43 N is always my favorite, he/she is unbelievable <3 I'm in a constant state of "how can someone with such a big heart just give it so freely? and to me??"
2023-07-09 14:27:30 N is always my favorite, he/she is unbelievable <3 I'm in a constant state of "how can someone with such a big heart just give it so freely? and to me??"

N is always my favorite, he/she is unbelievable <3 I'm in a constant state of "how can someone with such a big heart just give it so freely? and to me??"