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Let me tell you something, guys...progress is ADDICTIVE!

Especially this much progress! :D

So my plan this week was to get F's chapter 14 version finished, do some more of untangling the mess of chapter 8 editing, and start on A's chapter 14 version.

But instead, I finished F's chapter, FINISHED editing the rest of Chapter 8 for SpunkyCat, and FINISHED A's chapter 14 version.

Oh yes, that means I only have Nate/Nat's version to complete and chapter 14 is done!!! And I'm going to be starting that the second I finish this update, hehe! :D

I forgot how lovely it is to just have the LI and MC in a scene together. No others and no distractions (and no pesky interruptions to ruin any particularly close moments ;) ). Things flow so well when I can just concentrate on the two. It should mean the scenes really help with connecting more with the LI's again too. It's been a while where it could just be them to progress those romances in a more romantic way than angsty action, lol!

Nate/Nat's scene is the only one that does have a teensy bit of branching to it, so there's two slightly different versions, but still with them being nice easy-ish scenes to write, that shouldn't take too long. I'm really hoping I can get that done next week!

I'm trying not to get too excited about finishing it just because I know what's to come. Chapter 15 and 16 are lead-ins to the ending, and once I hit Chapter 17, that's actually the start of the endings with the big branching moment!

I think seeing that end in sight is definitely giving me that major boost. Though I do have to be a bit more careful as my hands are seriously suffering with an RSI flare up, and I forgot to take breaks this week to, you know, eat and drink and stuff, lol! But when you're on a roll, you're on a roll!

I'm actually buzzing I'm so pleased not only with the progress but with the scenes themselves! Some of the moments have me swooning, and laughing, and just so, so happy! Can't wait for you guys to experience them!

Next week is also social media days, and we have a very clear winner for the Patreon Summer Scenario Specials!

I'm not sure what the titles of those will be yet, so I'll post those next week!


For Update+ this week, a little hint at what I mean with things flowing unexpectedly well...


I wait for Adam/Ava to take back the words. To pull away. To do any of the usual things he/she does after saying something like that.

But he/she doesn't.


I think A-mancers will definitely be enjoying Chapter 14! :D

Hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all next week! :)


Thomas Fieldburn

Hmm unfortunately I'm numb to hope for Ava at this point

Marie Strange

Omg omg omg! Very exciting Friday news! Very exciting!


Twitter hinted at some steaminess being written AND there is a solo LI/MC scene, hmm?? 👀 The end is nigh !! I’m so excited!! But please take breaks for yourself! Just re-read the A demo last night and now I see THIS?! Bahaha only 8 chapters since!


wow, i'm surprised the end is so close! it feels like you just finished the demo chapters!


Well that's amazing news... Also, like definitely taking breaks for RSI is super important. That said, sometimes when I am *in the zone* or need to work on something when I'm short on time I will use speech-to-text and then just do a super careful re-read. If I know a name or word will come up a lot but my device won't recognize it I'll replace it with a word I won't need (character named Emmalin? Won't be talking about fruit this chapter? Emmalin=Pineapple so I can find and replace all pineapple.) Which could work with tags for you.

Bz E

That Update + got me a little riled up, ngl


But also, emphatically, Take The Breaks You Need Please!!

JS Lee



No interruptions?? The end is in sight??? A NOT TAKING SOMETHING BACK?!?!? 😳😳😳 This is a big update! But also make sure you rest this weekend!! A healthy Mishka is more important!




It was seriously exciting for me to write! I love getting to the end of the week to share what's been happening with you guys! :D


Time has just been whizzing by, and I can't believe I am able to see the end chapters as I reach for my new plans! So exciting! Still a while to go (there will be about 20-21 chapters) but definitely powering through now!


Chapter 14 has been one of my favourites to write, and that's saying something because I've had A LOT of favourite chapters in Book Three, hehe! :D


Definitely will be taking Sunday to properly recover! Want to be at full energy for next week too, hehe! :D


I haven't needed anything other than my on board software for Google docs. I mostly write on a device and not a keyboard, but it doesn't look like it's necessary on PC either.


Right there with you being numb to hope where Adam is concerned. I'm curious to see if anything can unnumb me to it, too. Think I need the same thing for Mason--after the bakery scene, I'm extremely guarded where he's concerned, to the point where I don't trust any niceness at all (unless it's sex) because I figure it'll be followed up by him telling someone else that my M-mancer is just a piece of a$$ to him. My M-mancer actually expects the same and is going to be guarded as well.


Mishka, you can also try Dragon software by Nuance. Works great on PC/laptop (and the recognition is really good). It's what the company I support uses and it's pretty good (I've used it for a few things). Just takes a bit of tweaking when you set it up. It would definitely give your hands a break! Also, if you don't have them, you may want to get a pair of copper compression gloves (I work with ortho docs and trainers, and they suggest those a lot!).


I'm so glad you made so much progress!!! And I can't believe it's almost final chapters!!! I'm gonna cry :,D (as much as I love the fact that you make a lot of progress 😗 please do take breaks once in a while xc Your health is important, too🥺) That A moment, I can't wait 😍 I miss A and I can't believe the chapter has come! The chapter where they are finally breaking those damned walls 🥺


Saving the best route for last I see ;)

Tatiana Robson

I was the same with Mason but in the demo there is a scene after you hand out flyers. (You have to not kiss Bobby, and then something along the lines of flirting with Mason to get him to clean up). And he ends up doing something really unexpected but sweet, which was a side of him I did not know existed and essentially turned me into an M-mancer all by itself. Plus I think the apology after the bakery scene also kind of touched my heart. I think M and A are just slow burn and I’m really trying to stay patient. 😂

Thomas Fieldburn

Morgan isn't in denial she just doesn't understand her emotions. Ava is in denial and my detective is sick of it like I would be in real life. Funny how she's my favorite ro


Legit got goosebumps at that last bit. A not pulling away?? What? My heart.😳


I was going to say that A struggled to keep up walls during this chapter, but in fact, they kind of just didn't bother putting them up....!


Hehehe! I've actually loved all the love interest version in this one. I'm so glad I put this chapter in where you can just get that quality LI time! :D


Omg that's so much progress I'm kinda scared hahaha! But I like it ☻️


@Tatiana Yeah, my M-mancer got the sweet scene with Mason, too (the kiss on the cheek was adorable) and she didn't know what to make of it. She's not processing the mixed signals (being good to her but still talking about her like she's a blow-up doll) so she just figures the kiss was so he could get laid later, lol. The apology scene... didn't do much for me as a reader. My MC accepted the apology but "knows" what she is (or, rather, is not) to him. Like you, I'm trying to be patient, but with Mason it's one step forward two steps back and with A, it's like... a nice look followed by being kicked in the gut, lol. Thankfully, my A-mancer doesn't give a crap anymore! Thomas, for Ava.... that made me laugh. A's romance definitely not my favorite (and while my MC on that path has pretty much closed herself off to the hot/cold thing, I find it frustrating), but as a character, I love A. A's friendship is superb. And I'm sure I'll feel the same about the romance before too long. Hell, A and the MC will be married before M ever says the MC is anything but a blow-up doll to him, lol.