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[GIF Description: Benedict Cumberbatch getting doused with water]

Wow, there's never been anything that can cool off a heated moment more than the subject of exes, right? Hehehe! :D



Oh I do love the Bobby route so much and having them be my detective’s ex … Hm. Looking back … is N bringing them up? N who likes to bring up personal things at the oddest times N (like their parents when they’re all dealing with the Anunnaki??)? 👀


Ooof. Yeah. That’s a mood killer 😭


Maybe it's a vampire thing in general—finding the weirdest or most awkward times to bring up odd topics, hehe! :D


For sure…though I think this particular vampire will be quite good at bringing the mood back if needed, hehe! :D


Ohh but this is such a juicy topic that I can't even be mad 👀


I just realized that this could also be referring to a certain UB member’s ex … and now I am even more intrigued 👀


Not gonna lie, I had a moment where I thought, “Wait—heated as in sexy-sexy time, or heated as in ‘We’re already neck-deep into this argument, so let’s dig the hole even deeper’?” 🤦🏾‍♀️


Really hoping it's an N thing. M has stomped on the detective's heart enough recently, so rubbing an ex in their face would result in my MC walking away for a good long while. Besides, it would be most unexpected from N. Or F, who forgets what they are saying and blurts out inappropriate crap, lol. Either one would be funny, in a way. M and A... not so much.


I'm scared of this chapter now :,)


Nice to know that even centuries old vampires can be petty sometimes


Oh hoho! Who's saying that then 👀


Their exes or mine? Only my M and N detectives have Bobby as an ex and neither of them have admitted this to UB.


Ugh, I hadn't thought about their exes. I think the only vampire that can use that as a blade to slice the MC and make them insecure and jealous is M with the list of five billion people they screwed since becoming a vampire, lol.