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A shiver flurries like a blizzard from my toe, up my leg, and seems to chill a path up my spine.

“It’s freezing!” I yell, snapping my foot back from the water and almost tripping backwards as I hop away.

Felix grins at me as he wades a gentle path through the lake. “It’s fine. Lovely and cooling.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Then why are your teeth chattering?”

He licks at his lips before pursing them, shrugging his shoulders out of the depths. “Nervous tick?”

My expression withers as I rest my fists on my hips.

The sun is actually warm, beating its summer heat down on my bare skin as I stand in only my swimwear. But this section of lake has its own roof of willow and oak, casting a deep pool of shade that even the midday rays can’t penetrate.

“Once you get in, we can swim to the middle with the sunshine. That’ll be like sitting in a sauna,” he encourages.

“Ugh.” I let out a groan before sucking in a bracing breath. My lungs seem to refuse to hold it in protest of what my body knows is coming. I close my eyes and step off the end of the pier.

The gasp of shock that wants to break free is frozen in my throat as cold punches into my chest.

“Come on. Let’s go fast before you turn into an icicle,” he says, grasping my hand beneath the water and treading us over towards the patch of glittering water that’s steaming with heat.

As the temperature begins to rise, my body warms to life once more. My fingers flex and tighten in Felix’s grasp, my legs start to move on their own, and I suck in a breath to help the icy paralysis that had gripped me.

“Any better?” he asks, genuine worry making his brow crease.

I sigh as the warm waters hug around me. “Yeah.”

“Whoever thought putting the jetty in the shade obviously hadn’t thought through its placement,” he scoffs.

I chuckle, waving my arms about in front of me to create small ripples. “Or they just didn’t think people would be silly enough to jump off of it into the cold.”

His lips quirk into a half-smile. “I think it was an ingenious plan considering how hot it is today.”

“And that, of course, has nothing to do with the fact it was your plan?” I comment.

His smile grows into a grin. “I do like to pride myself on such amazing ideas.”

I swim a little closer, planting a kiss on his cheek. “And I like to pride you on them too.”

He bites at his lower lip before clearing his throat. “You’re ruining my image by getting me all flustered, babe.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say with as I widen my eyes in faux surprise. “I guess I’ll just leave you and your image be.”

I make to swim away, but his arm wraps around me to tug me closer, and I give a satisfied smile at the reaction.

“No, no. I like the image of us together a whole lot better,” he admits, a teasing of flirtation on the words, but also an undercurrent of something deeper which makes my breath shorten.

When our gaze threatens to steal the rest of my air, I glance away.

“So, what exactly did you have planned for when you managed to get me into this lake, hm?” I ask with a tilt of my head.

“A bit of swimming, a bit of flirting, a bit of fun.” His accompanying smile is so dazzling it rivals the sun. “You know, the usual couple stuff.”

I laugh. “I’m not sure we’re exactly the ‘usual’ couple.”

“Which makes it all the more fun.” His hand spreads between my shoulder blades, our chests pressed together. I can feel the steadily rising beat of his heart against my own. “And all the more important when I finally get to steal you away for some actual alone time.”

“If you talk like that, then I’ll never want to go back.” I try to add lightness to the words, but it’s difficult with the air fizzling between us. I’m surprised the water isn’t simmering over with the sudden heat that’s rising.

“Then don’t. Stay with me…” He seems to stutter on the suggestion.

My pulse stammers as I swear he was going to add ‘forever’ to the end of that sentence.

Our legs tangle together beneath the depths, the lake thankfully shallow enough here that we don’t go under…though I’m not sure either of us would let go of the other, even if we were sinking.



MC: Would you like to stay for dinner? Tina: Would you like to stay forever?!

Linda Self

To be honest, I've never done the F route as the RO, always the best friend. But they are just extremely sweet and adorable. I may need to reconsider doing it soon.


This is an attack on me personally 😭💕💕💕 I love F so much!!


It’s so worth it! I felt the same way & saved them until last, and even then only did their romance reluctantly… but there’s so much sweetness & a some spicy too!


It’s such a lovely route! Especially when you’ve done the angst filled A and M routes and the … charming and sweet but closed off N route It’s open and wonderful! It’s like the best hug mixed with a great dash of romance and hope!


i gasped and i dont even go here !?!?!?


Aah F always makes my heart melt 🥺🧡


omg... they want us to stay with them forever 🥺


Bahaha oh hey Slush, it's Sketchy! Fancy meeting you here as a member of this Patreon xD