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For the Agency: You guys spent a lot of money to make the warehouse a great place to live. Knowing that UB are vampires and are more sensitive to temperatures--especially M, who has very little tolerance for extreme temps and is miserable having to deal with them--why would you not provide air conditioning in the warehouse? Especially with it being underground and not really seeming to have a good flow of fresh air!


The Agency PR representative shifts in their seat, making the lines of scales around their shoulders glimmer in a wave of metallics. “The Warehouse is protected by magical wards and barriers which also allow it to be kept in a constant state of temperature, as well as light and sound, by such at the same time.”

They flick their gaze down to the sheet in their lap. “We cannot disclose the specific techniques used to achieve this, but with our more sensitive agents—such as vampires—we are careful to always ensure their needs and comforts are met in any location they reside.”


(I know it's July now, but I really wanted to fit this last one in, hehe! :D)


Bz E

Ooh, the lore!


The secret agency has a pr. 😂 poor baby must get so bored.


The Agency keeps trying to convince us they are a humane organization…I know they technically are Mishka but I’m suspicious. UB should still have AC in the house. 😤


Agreed about the AC! And in the demo, in chapter four, they're all in the warehouse's living room and it's miserably hot, so I don't know if the magical wards aren't working or if the living room's temp just isn't controlled. I felt bad for M! And my MCs, actually--two of them can't take the heat at all!


I suppose I can see why magic would be preferable to tech for the agency. They probably have lots of people who do magic but not any AC techs on the payroll and it’s not like they can outsource


Loving the Agency HR/PR. But hm - this is a bit suspect! Let them have their comfortable environments!


AC doesn't really occur to me as we don't have it as a regular thing in the UK, hehe! :D But I definitely loved the idea of things being magically controlled, though even that isn't perfect (especially when I need to bend it for descriptive purposes, lol!)


Especially because all of UB prefer different temperatures! M really prefers a cooler environment, N and F are all about the cosy warm, and A...doesn't care much as long as they can still train, lol! :D


I’m personally with M, prefer cooler temps! I’m also in favor of N’s clothing adjustments in the warmer weather 👀 and F’s clothings changes!