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Oh my word, it's a hot one here!

Hope everyone is staying cool if it's hot where you are (or keeping warm if you're on the other hemisphere! :D)

The plan was to get some editing in this week, but I skipped that because I was on SUCH a roll with writing!

On such a major roll in fact that I finished Mason/Morgan's version of Chapter 14!!!!!

On Thursday I was doing so well that in the back of my mind I was thinking, 'I might get this done this week...', but I didn't want to rush myself because I wanted to make sure and get everything in I wanted (as well as a couple of extra dialogue choice sets because, well you know, it's me, hehe!)

But I knew it was gonna happen today, so I put off the update until it was, hehe!

So that means I can get a jumpstart on Adam/Ava's early and begin it today!

Chapter 14, although a split version of the chapter so each love interest has their own chapter, is really lovely and straight forward after the intensity of the last few chapters! But I think it's also needed for the reader, as A LOT has happened in the story at this point—not just with information, but to the actual MC, so some downtime is definitely needed for a bit.

There was also a major thing that I added in this week that meant a lot to me personally.

'[New Character] gathers three rats into his arms, their colours like an ombre: one flint black, the next a caramel-brown, and the last one a silver-grey. 

He hugs them against his chest with a sigh of affection. The rats nuzzle against him, one of them wriggling to be free and scamper onto his shoulder.'

For anyone who's been following me for quite some time might recognise this cameo...

Although I lost my boys a while ago now, I just really wanted a small part for them in the story. They were with me for so much of Wayhaven when they were with me, that it feels right to have them memorialised in there.

So yeah, it was a little bit of an emotional moment to write that, especially with M being their usual grumpy self in this scene too, lol!

For Adam/Ava's version of Chapter 14, I'm a little ahead of myself again too, as I have a chunk of scene I cut from Chapter 11 for them to use in this chapter instead, so that's nice! I've got to rewrite it to fit in with what's happening here, but having that base is always a good jumping point!


For Update+ this week, this conversation between the MC and M didn't end as either was expecting...


If MC is Genuine

"I'm still not used to all this genuine emotion stuff you like to deal out," Mason/Morgan comments.

"Even after all these months you've known me?" I joke while giving him/her a nudge with my elbow.

He/She gives a sly grin. "You'll just have to stick around for a few more months so I can get used to it."

I lick at my lips, about to respond, when he/she lets out a sudden cry of pain that turns my blood to ice.


For anyone who noticed how easy M responded to the MC's casual touch...it's definitely becoming more of a thing M is encouraging :)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! We'll be offline as usual, so I'll talk to you all next week! <3



Ummm how did M get hurt? 👀 Also the ratty boys 🥺. RIP, Silver was my favorite.


You'll have to wait and see...but it was quite the surprise for the MC! Silver was such a lovely boy! So gentle and oh so eager for food, hehe! &lt;3


Oh I love the boys are getting a cameo! They were always so cute and I loved when you shared pictures of them! I’m glad they get to live on with [New Character] MC don’t know their own strength if them nudging M hurt them so much 😔


Do we get to pet the boys? Pretty please🙏


The heat wave where I am has really been something. It has been a steady ~106 F (41 Celsius for the civilized world) with lots of balmy humidity. Made me very glad I don't work outside anymore 😫 Oh the ratty boys! I'm so glad to see they get a cameo and an adorable one at that. I know they were an important part of the project and your family, so it's a very fitting tribute in my eyes &lt;3 Thanks for sharing!


I'm so glad you included them! Love doesn't just disappear because the ones we love aren't with us anymore, and with this sort of thing it's like they get to be a part of people's lives, even all of us who didn't actually know them. You are also way too good with the teasers! No wonder you write mystery so well! 😄

Thomas Fieldburn

M is in pain huh? Did she realize she has a heart after all


Dammit M, I love you but you've ruined my fluffy goodness 😤

The Inecksplicable

I can't believe you're on chapter 14 already?! Your talent and discipline is endless and I bow down to your queenliness 👑 Looking forward to seeing the ratty boys again, I think it's a beautiful way to memorialise them 🐀❤️


I know it's is probably unrelated but it's making me laugh thinking of a single feeling causing M to cry out in physical pain. Someone get that vampire a therapist


I miss the boys! Their little updates along side yours. Lol I'm so happy they'll be in the book too.


Oh my goodness 🥺 Flint Bo and Silver 😭❤️


That's so true! All that love is still there, so it's nice to share that in this story, if only in a little cameo! &lt;3


It really feels like I'm powering forward now. The next couple of chapters are lead in to the end too, so I can start to see glimmers of the light at the end of the tunnel...so exciting!

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:07:20 Yeah, it really felt like such a whole after they left, so it's nice to find a place for them in the story! &lt;3
2022-06-20 10:35:39 Yeah, it really felt like such a whole after they left, so it's nice to find a place for them in the story! <3

Yeah, it really felt like such a whole after they left, so it's nice to find a place for them in the story! <3


Looking through their old photos got me super emotional, but I'm so glad they're in the story now!