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For Tina: What's your cooking like?


She chews at her lip before smiling. “Unless you want beans on toast, then you might be better off looking elsewhere for good food.”

“You can make toast without burning it now?” Verda asks with the slightest teasing curling his lips upwards.

“Says the man who asked me to park his car this morning because he can’t park in bays,” she replies deadpan.

Verda clears his throat and shifts in his chair before patting her leg. “Thanks for that, by the way.”

She eventually cracks into a smile.


Thomas Fieldburn

Verda shame on you not being able to park in bays. That's just sad. 🤣


According to Google it's basic public parking with delineated lines. Like the rows of parking spots in a mall parking lot. So basically Verda sucks at parking in between the lines, lol!