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For Rebecca: You seemed cool with Mason/Morgan showing interest in the MC... aren't you worried they will break your kid's heart?


“I worry over many things for my child. But I also understand I cannot rule their life.” There is slightest pinch between her brows before it smooths out as she lays her hands elegantly in her lap. “Especially as I was absent for so much of it.”

“Specialist Agent Mason/Morgan is a good person,” she continues. “And I believe [Name] could bring out much in them that they don’t realise is buried within.”

Her ensuing sharp silence signals a definite end to that conversation…



First, thanks for answering my question!! More and more, Rebecca reminds me of A. No wonder they get along so well! I keep searching for a path to get my M-mancer closer to her mother, or at least ground where they can meet and she'd accept R's support. I guess talking about M isn't gonna be it! After the bakery scene--at which point my M-mancer realized she had fallen *hard* and there was no ignoring it anymore--she's in serious need of someone to give her some encouragement that M might see her as more than... well, what he said. At least in some point in the future. Guess it won't come from R! I'm getting the feeling she's doomed to suffer for a long time with this. I should've known, given how you love emotionally torturing characters. :-P


She's very understanding here. Makes me wonder why she's side-eyes N if they're the LI. You would think it would be the other way around, hmm... M IS a secret "sweetheart" though, hehe.


Yeah, Rebecca side-eyeing N for interest in the MC is what made me wonder. Out of the four, M is the one most likely to actually hurt the MC by breaking their heart and with repeatedly telling the MC how they mean nothing to them (even more than A, really, who tries their best to keep the MC at arm's length, whereas M gets physical). But N? N wouldn't hurt a fly if they could help it. And that is probably the answer to it--Rebecca only worries about the MC's physical safety, and not so much about anything else. M isn't going to harm the MC physically and she knows it. N's dark little past and the fact that they drink less blood than everyone else, as well as Rebecca's concern (when she doesn't care about the other three), adds up to a huge red flag that N may pose a physical threat to the MC. And if that's the case, I can't wait to see it. I want goody goody N to get less goody goody and for N-mancers to suffer something harsher than being thrown into a bush for their protection. XD