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So, the demo was away to the beta testers this morning! 

I am, as always, both wracked with excitement and extreme anxiety to get their reactions back, hehe :D

This week I mostly focused on getting the demo ready for the testing again. Finishing edits, doing my final tests, etc. Trying to catch all of the variations and branches is a lot now. It's getting really complex, so I'll be seriously glad to get the help of my testers to catch what I missed!

For example, for both N's and F's romances, I have to write a ton of variation for each of their romance scenes to account for if you're in a relationship and kissed them, if you're in a relationship but not kissed yet, if you're not in a relationship but kissed, if you're not in a relationship and haven't kissed, etc.

But not only do I have to write all those versions, I have to test all those versions! Along with testing how it reacts when you're on different best friend routes to ensure the right comments flag up, and then all the other branches too.

It's intense, but it's SO worth it when you get to play through the final result! It really feels organic. I love that I'm finally able to create a game that I always wanted - where the characters and world really do respond to who you're romancing and how you're romancing them, and it's not just a side thing that never gets pulled up!

I did try to get some writing done this week, as I was missing it so bad! So whilst I was up with Bo on a night, I figured I'd get some of chapter five done. And man, I love writing through the night. Dawn is like my perfect headspace for writing! I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped (I was and still am seriously sleep-deprived!) but I am so proud of what I wrote.

This weekend, I'll not be taking my usual break but will be keeping in contact with my testers and adding in edits as they come through. But I'm eager to hear what they think of the next chapters :D


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a cheery little scene I've been meaning to add to an Update+ for a while:


$!{felix} gives a mock salute and stands stiff to attention. "Aye, aye, Captain."

$!{adam}'s expression wilts at the comment as ${a_she} glares towards ${nate}. "Did you teach ${f_him} that phrase?"

${nate} coughs out an awkward sort of apology while turning away.


Hope you all have an amazing weekend, and I can't wait to share the demo with you soon! (As with last time, 'cause you guys were AMAZING at not spoiling things for others- which I appreciate more than you could possibly know-Patrons will be getting early access to the demo a week before everyone else <3)


Katie Williams

An amazing update, good luck to the lucky beta testers and it's going to amazing to get to play the demo! Always sending love to you, yours and especially sweet Bo though. Hope you're making sure to rest as much as possible and take care 💕

Michael Reddy

How on earth do you keep all these variations in your head ? It’s very impressive.


I have a seriously intensive book of all my variations printed out and what they do or mean, hehe! I couldn't do without it :D

Thomas Fieldburn

I hope that while you're getting all this done and tending to your baby that you're taking care of yourself too. Hope Bo gets better.


SERA I LOVE YOUR PASSION AND EXCITEMENT AND WORK ETHIC AND WRITING AND I LOVE YOU 😭💖 Best wishes to you and your family, and I hope Bo recovers very soon, sweet dear. 🙏

Lilli H

I so look forward to your updates! I'm so glad the writing is going well, but like others have said, don't forget to take care of yourself! Your passion and dedication to your writing shows and it makes me so happy to see it on these updates and through your posts. Really looking forward to the demo! Also, sending lots of love and healing to little Bo. Hope he feels better soon.


Are u gonna do a character q&amp;a any time soon? I wanna ask the characters questions on what happened in book 2!


Hehe! I am loving where Wayhaven is going! It’s so exciting to finally get deeper into the story and game mechanics :D


I’m glad you’re enjoying the updates! It’s nice to take a moment in the week to see how it’s gone :D


Hopefully in the new year! Got to get myself organised for that, as I would like to answer one a day for a month again :D


That would be awesome! Thank you! I’m super excited!


Make sure you get some sleep this weekend!! Even if you can’t take the usual break you should take care of yourself!


Aah, thank you for the concern! Hopefully Bo will have improved so I can get some rest! I'm looking forward to remembering what my bed feels like, hehe :D


I’m so excited that you’re excited to show us the second demo! I really hope you take some time after working so hard this year! I’m keeping Bo in my thoughts and I hope he makes a full recovery! I hope you have an amazing day! 💚


Oh! that's awesome about the demo! I hope Bo is doing better now, and that you're able to get some good quality rest in! And that update + is too cute! I love that *N* specifically is the one who taught F to say that xD

Twilight Katana

XD N! Why do you make your best friend suffer like that!