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I realised we haven't had much M content in a while, so here's a sneak peek to make up for it ;D


I lean away slightly, not to get rid of the touch but more in concern. "You're going to get wet if you do that."

*if (m_man = "woman")

She shifts me closer until our sides are pressed together as we walk. "Around you, ${callme}, that's just always a given."


He shifts me closer until our sides are pressed together as we walk. "I think I can cope with a bit of water, $!{callme}."

We continue on as my mind swirls with hesitation about the attractive vampire next to me.

Not long ago, ${mason} would have been looking for any excuse not to get near me—unless sex was involved—and now ${m_she}'s willing to be this close when I'm all wet and grungy?

I shake my head to straighten out the thoughts, instead focused much more on the promise of a hot shower and dry clothing.


Hehe ;D

Hope you enjoyed it! <3



We always need more M content! And this bit is going to be living in my head rent free! MC might not being putting a lot of thought into this but I sure as heck will! 🔎👀 M sure is getting very comfortable with the MC

Jordan Ellis

ooooh, so our detective does something involving water? i’m so intrigued!! (also eeeee so excited that M is becoming closer to us in a way that’s not just sexual!)