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So I've said quite a few times how I'm a VERY visual writer. I see Wayhaven in my head like it's a movie, and it's the only way I can write.

I learned early in my writing career (way before Wayhaven!) that I need visual aids in order to write fully and in depth as I like.

In order to do this, I make myself what I call 'Visual Sheets'. These are scribbles, sketches, notes, and things like in order to help me visualise for the chapter I'm writing. I print them out, have them beside me with the plan, and it helps flesh out the scene in my mind! Like a storyboard kind of thing, I guess?

For Book One, I tended to only need 1 visual sheet per chapter...nowadays, it's usually 3 or 4 for a regular chapter :D

Visual Sheets are a writing I tool I couldn't do without! They are a necessary part of my process. So I thought I might share one of these with you guys! And it might give you some hints about what's to come ;D

(Obviously, these are very quick sketches because I can't spend forever on them. It's just enough to give me an idea as I'm writing, so please don't judge the sketches too harshly, lol!!)

Tina is in the right-hand corner. Verda is below her. Bobby is bottom left. MC's office is top left. At least how I imagine them all anyway! 

If you're interested, I can post more of these. But thought it might make a bit of a difference for this month for you guys to get to see more into my writing process and how I work! :D

Hope you enjoyed it! :)



Oh, the drawings are lovely!! I used to sketch out characters and scenes when writing, it made the story more vivid. When reading, I always try to visualise everything based on descriptions and wonder if it's what the author thought too. Please do share more! The character's expressions are excellent!! 💖


Drawing them out can help so much, can't it? I couldn't do without it during my writing process now! :D


Wow. These are all really good and it’s interesting to see your process, but one thing really stands out to me... Even having never seen your sketch of the office before, that is quite literally EXACTLY how I pictured it, which just goes to show how amazing your writing is to convey your concept to the reader so vividly!! Would love to see more of these, if you’re willing to share 😀