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As I said last week, I was focusing on edits and testing this week.

So...it makes for a kind of boring update, I'm afraid, lol! :D

It's nice reading through the game as a whole thing. Been really enjoying that!

But yeah, that's kind of it! 

Next week, I will be back to working on chapter 5 and getting chapter 3 and 4 ready for the beta testers!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a little fun with N!


I shrug. "Something subtle like 'flamingos' or something."

$!{n_she} barks a laugh. "Oh yes, truly subtle." $!{n_she} mimics writing a report—pen and paper style, not keyboard—with a serious face. "Stumbled on flamboyance of flamingos at the scene. Flock flurried away before capture." 


Hope you all have a great weekend, and I'll talk to you next week! <3



Aw, that’s is really cute. I love N and MC getting to joke around with each other! N is a cutie ❤️ You have a lovely weekend, Mishka!


I love details like N mimicking writing with a pen and paper! And their sense of humour as well :”)

Thomas Fieldburn

Um do you need beta tested or is that a full time job

Jesse Robins

Oh no N just got cuter! Thank you so much for the little sneak peeks! They make for a great day.


Now I know why N loves my chaotic, hot mess detective so much. Same silly humor. :D This was nice to see, thank you!

sasa se

Ahhhh love this so much &lt;3

Brittany B.

Aww, N, stop being so cute! (I'm kidding, don't stop.)


N being adorable as usual :D Can’t wait for the new demo soonish and be reunited with the squad!

pan with a plan

I like how they used the proper term for a group of flamingos lol