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Something a bit different for this month's Unseen Scene!

One of my $50 patrons asked if I would do a sketch for her instead of a scenario, so I agreed (under the understanding my artistic skills are not up to snuff as my writing, hehe!). The above was the result, which she very generously allowed me to share here! It's from the AU series I am writing for her as her personalised $50 reward!

So this an Unseen Scene from the Murphy romance that was never to be...

Aah, Murphy...you have more fans than expected, hehe! :D

Hope you enjoy it! It's been a very long time since I've drawn comic-style and I forgot just how much I love it!S


Emily Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 10:24:28 You drew this? It's brilliant.
2020-09-19 13:56:46 You drew this? It's brilliant.

You drew this? It's brilliant.


You're a great writer and artist! ngl i wish i had your skills, at least in drawing lol