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I usually try to keep really on top of variables and what they do, but from time to time an unexpected flag can pop up in them that can lead to something else, so I have to make (scrawled) extra notes, hehe :D

This was one of those times in chapter 3...


Mica Ottaviani

I love the variety in options and choices in your games. What's even better is that the choices don't affect the outcome negatively. It's so refreshing to read and enjoy the game rather than worry about what to choose!

Cecelia Celedon

I can't even play other hosted games, because i keep comparing them to this one. You put so much time and effort into these books and it truly shows. (:


Yeah, I really wanted to make a game you could just play and enjoy rather than worrying too much about which choices to pick or stats to raise. So I'm really glad you can enjoy that aspect too :)