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It's really hard to get a sense of how the flow will be when you break up the writing into scenes or different scenes for LIs, etc.

I'd been working on the 'smaller' edits of bugs, typos, etc before finally getting to play it too, which doesn't help picture it as an actual flowing chapter, but finally getting to go through it all as an actual playthrough has made me very, very excited!

It may not be what I planned but, boy, am I glad of it now I've read through it :D

Now onto the major edits of rewriting, etc...



Love that you like how it turned out and good luck on editing we all appreciate your hard work 🥺


oh man if YOU’RE excited, just imagine how much we’ll be collectively freaking out too (in a good way :D)!! many many congrats as always!! 🥳


Ohhhhhhh man. I can't wait until the demo for book 3 is out! Also, am I the only one that is blown away when thinking that this is book THREE already??? Is hard to explain but it's so exciting to see this story progressing like this?? Anyway, can't wait for it! 😁😁


I’m so excited because your excited! I’m happy to hear you like how the chapter turned out! Congrats! 🤩🥳

Jessica O.

Congrats man! If you’re excited playing through it I imagine all of us screaming when we see it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hehe! I know, right? Feels so weird sometimes to think I planned for all those years and now I'm actually writing Book Three! <3


Ohh, thats so exciting!! I can't wait to see Chapter 1!

Michael Reddy

The anticipation is killing me 🤗🤗🤗


How brilliant! There's nothing quite like being able read a narrative as a whole 😃 it's so lovely to see you excited about your own writing and what you've accomplished - I think that's so important too, because it makes the reading so much more! Knowing how much an author has worked on it, how pleased and excited they are too! I can't wait to be back in Wayhaven again 💕


When people ask for advice, I always forget to tell them that they have to love their work. If they don't love it or feel proud of it, then how will others be so? Gotta love what you do and what you create! Thank you so much!! <3


ahaha This post made me smile. It is BEST FEELING when you wrangle all those scenes together and read them as a collective whole - and it's BEAUTIFUL (Editing? We don't know her XD). There's a special kind of Pride there - glad to see you're basking in it. And just think! You get to experience that Wonderful feeling 20-ish more times with this book! Lucky thing~ ;)


ooohhh how exciting!!!!!! 😍

Katie Williams

Excited Sera is one of the best Seras 💕💕 you're getting us all more and more excited too 🥰


Oh F could never disappoint me! ❤️ They are too good!!


Editing? Who's that?? Hehehe! But yeah, it's such an incredible feeling. Sometimes it can be difficult to see it as a cohesive chapter when you have to write so many scenes or variations, but it's such a joy when you finally get to read it all together and it flows! <3


Honestly would be interested in seeing your unedited stuff - all Raw and Pure (it gave us obscene pastry description after all haha) But - yeah - brew up some tea, queue your fav instrumentals and KNOCK THAT EDITING OUT <3


I am just constantly amazed by you and your work! All the variations and details and effort you put into it. And your love for what you do always brings a smile to my face 💕 this is so exciting! Can't wait to see it when the demo comes out (so hyped for N...) but until then so glad to get these updates from you!!

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:20:56 Aah, thank you! It's so nice to know you guys are with me through this and get excited with me, hehe <3
2020-07-08 09:42:37 Aah, thank you! It's so nice to know you guys are with me through this and get excited with me, hehe <3

Aah, thank you! It's so nice to know you guys are with me through this and get excited with me, hehe <3