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Well, what a difference a break makes! :D

I was blasting through it this week! 

And, at 59,496 words, the writing for chapter one is now completed!! 

It was a bit of a weird chapter to write, lol. A lot of it ended up being quite different to what I had planned out, but I really like it and the flow of it. There was a bit more romance 'reunion' kind of scenes than I intended, but I was obviously in a romance-y mood with how much ended up going in, hehe :D

It also gets right into the story, which I am so happy about! Book Two definitely needed the kind of recap and re-introduction stuff, but it's nice in this book that we can all just jump in head first now the world and characters are pretty much well-known!

I've still got to do editing, but that should go quite smoothly. So next week I will definitely be able to make a start on chapter two! 

The first demo will be chapter one and two, but it will need testing and things before it's released, but at least we're one step closer to that...

Not much on Creek Edge this week. I really wanted to fully focus on chapter one. But hopefully next week I'll be able to eek in some more on that MC sprite.

So yeah, that break really did the job, hehe! :D


For Update+ this week, I had a hard time deciding on what to share as there were o many bits to choose from!

In the end, I decided on a sweet F moment, because who doesn't love a F moment? ;D


$!{f_she} squints at me for a moment and tilts ${f_his} head. "Are you being endearing just to make me stop worrying?"

I let out a soft laugh. "I'm being honest."

"I'm not sure if that makes it better or worse," ${f_she} replies, still holding my arms.


Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I'll talk to you on Monday! <3


(I'm still waiting for A LOT of replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



a sweet F moment is just what i needed to pick me up today 💞💞😍 congratulations on finishing Ch1! more mushy romance is never a bad thing! ;)

Katie Williams

Sera is back in action after a lovely break~ glad the break did the job! It's good too see you so happy and making so much progress 💕 So looking forward to the demo; especially with all the cute F (and N hehe) moments that are coming our way 🥰🥰


I love getting back into it and getting back to my usual productivity! That's motivating in itself, hehe :D


f scenes clear my skin, feed my family and waters my croops :') I love them so much ❤


I'm so glad you were able to get a good break~&lt;3 and how amazing that you were able to get back into writing to finish chapter one! Super chuffed for you 🥰 Oohh F, I could spend all day just cuddling - I can't help the way my heart gets all warm with them 😚


wow that's so many words for one chapter!!!! I'm amazed at the hard work you're doing!!!! you're doing really great!!!! 💖

Vanessa Mesquita

im so excited and happy! i hope the next chapters will go just as nicely!


F is such a sweetheart and we love them!

Logan Sullivan

Great job, Mishka, your work ethic never ceases to amaze me lol also, love F! Can't wait to continue their route in the third book!


Sometimes you just need a good recharge to get things back on track! Way to go getting chapter one done! And, of course, we can always use more sweet F moments in our lives ❤️ And more F in general lol!


Happy that you were able to recharge 😊 and F is, well she is F, always lovely 😊

Michael Reddy

Excellent choice in who’s moment to share 👏


"There was a bit more romance 'reunion' kind of scenes than I intended." *SCREAMS IN PURE JOY*