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Hehehe! I so love that interactive fiction means I get to write so many variations to these moments!

I think M is very happy too... ;D



Oh gosh, I can already tell Morgan will have me flustered lol 😂 but yes, it must be super exciting to write so many choices - and interesting too!


I think I love the gifs you choose to describe your TFWs just as much as the TFWs themselves LOL 😁


I love getting to write all the variations and choices! Makes writing so much more, well, MORE, hehe! :D


I’m gonna enjoy getting Morgan flustered

Katie Williams

Just reading the title I was hoping for the El Dorado gif 😂 you never disappoint Sera 💕💕💕


I think about Mason on a daily basis. He has stolen my heart. You are a great writer.

Twilight Katana

Oh lord yes BOTH! While I love when M is bold, it is about time I get him to BLUSH AS MUCH AS I DO WHEN HE FLIRTS!!!


M needs a taste of their own medicine, so fluster away ! The combined shamelessness of them + bold flirty MC might be enough to make N implode though 🤣

Vanessa Mesquita

Man... i love blushing scenes and how M react to them, is so funny XD


There's a flustered M? 🤯


Shy or Bold. If you are flirting with M then everyone wins... especially M lol


There's a flustered MC. Though I can't say that M's not flustered by a certain choice within this scene... ;D