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Aahhh....I missed them :D


Jaime Ford

Tina!!!! I loved her reaction at the end of book 2.

Lilli H

I love Tina. She sounds like so much fun to be friends with!

Katie Williams

Gasp Tina!! Verda's on thin ice after book 2, but Tina!! Yay! 💕💕💕


Is going to be interesting to see the differences depending on who knows or doesn't know the truth 👀👀


Ohhhhhhh fuck, why is it that whenever you say something ominous followed by a smile I get the heebie jeebies lmao

Vanessa Mesquita

awn i love them! i wonder, in the future you're gonna write some bar scene with tina or verda or both and UB for us poor souls who chose bobby's path? hahah


I can't wait to meet them again and I have to say this is an excellent gif choice for the occasion. :D (tho I admit it only fuels my craving for even more hugs in wayhaven hehe)


Literally my detective's support system. The ANGST if she loses one (or Both) of them. 🥺


Two of my favorite bantering characters.


Yeah, romantic vampires are nice and all, but have you met TINA AND VERDA?!


Um, spoilers?! Geez! Next you're gonna tell me that Bobby and Douglas are in Book 3 too. Sheesh! ;P

Kaitlyn Curnow

Catch me and Tina holding hands and bouncing up and down while we screech incoherently about the supernatural. I'm also very stressed about Verda's well being.


LOVE reading Tina and Verda's scenes! One of my favourite scenes in book 2 that I played just for fun and to see what happens was when my MC called them up after inviting Bobby in to her apartment. Both had different uhhh approaches to giving MC advice, but I love their sincere concern and loyalty :D Verda gave such disappointed father vibes LOL. Can't wait to see how telling them your secret plays out in book 3! :)


Hehe! Yeah, I love getting to write the different versions of these moments with different characters. Verda and Tina are such great friends but such opposites too :D