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So, in The Curse of Creek Edge you will be able to pick your race for your MC! 

This won't have huge consequences, but it will have affect over some moments and how scenes play out. (Kind of like the race choice in Dragon Age: Inquisition)

I have such a huge list of supernatural races I love, but I managed to whittle them down to what would work for the story's setting, and would love for you guys to have your say!

You guys have final decision over which ones are getting in :D The top 5 will be the ones!

The poll will last until Thursday 27th February, as I want to make sure it goes long enough for everyone to get their vote in if they want to. Then I'll announce the top ones in the following Update!

Have fun ;D

Very brief explanations on the race choices below, to help make decisions (the races are much more complicated than these explanations, but hopefully it helps with a general idea):

Human:...Probably doesn't need much explanation, hehe! Though I will say that human Tactical Agents (agents who work alone, which is what the MC's role will be) are very rare and quite the talk when it happens.

Elemental: Elementals are a race of human-like beings who are attuned with nature as a whole, but usually one element in particular—they can read signs through it, control it (in some way with cooperation from the element), speak to it, etc.

Gargoyle: Gargoyles are a strong race of beings who have been in the human world for a very long time. They've adapted to our world, but they have a stronger sense of morality, justice, and right or wrong than others. Their abilities include strength, agility, stealth, and Stone Skin, which helps make them defensive against magical and physical attacks.

Werewolf: Well what can I say about werewolves that we don't already know? :D They're strong, fast, and incredibly agile, less so in human form but still with heightened senses. Usually the full wolf form is only used on rare moments, as it is exhausting to keep up. They are not tied to the phases of the moon when more experienced, which The Agency trains them in. 

Naga: Natural nagas are usually dragon-blooded, where as Human-born tend to be snake-blooded. There are the rarer forms of other reptile-blooded nagas, but the most common are the dragon and snake ones. Naga are incredibly agile and good at sensing out problems as well as a good ability to sense unusual magics or enemies, so no ambushes for them!

Witch: Natural witches have innate abilities that helps them shape and work with the magics that run in our world. Magic is not as strong in our world as the Echo World, but Witches are probably one the best races for tapping into what is there and even growing it for their uses. It drains the body and mind, but they’re are powerful entities.

Duende: There's lots of misconceptions over the Duende, but The Agency have a few of them as agents in their fold. They are more suited to nature missions, where their powers of guidance and reasoning are magically-enhanced, as well as the ability to empower those around them.

Igigi: More commonly referred to as 'Earth Angels'. They are part of the rarer 'Divine' class of races, which also includes Angels, Titans, etc. Igigi are good at reading others of all races, have mental abilities to help block harmful attacks, as well as good strength and healing abilities.

Succubus/Incubus: This race is a subclass of vampire, but instead of drawing energy from blood they draw energy from sexual desires or tension (they'd get a feast between the MC and M, hehe). They have pheromone abilities to help them put people at ease and see more clearly what they want, as well as abilities to make other's sense more heightened.

Vampire: Not much to say about this lot that we don't already know, right? :D Strong, agile, fast, as well as pheromone abilities. These are at full strength at night with weaknesses during the day. 

Dökkálfar: Under the class of ‘Elves’, this race’s abilities are enhanced in shadow and at night. They tend to have more energy at night as well, also being able to use the shadows to their uses and gain abilities from moonlight.

Ljósálfar: Also under the class of ‘Elves’, they are the other offshoot of Dökkálfar. Almost opposite in most ways in their abilities, they gain more energy from sunlight and can adapt natural light to their uses.

Phoenix: Not birds, no. But a race of human-like people called a Phoenix for their regeneration abilities as well as the unusual gleam to their skin, which adds a layer of extreme protection to their beings. They run INCREDIBLY hot, so hot in fact that they can scorch the air and use small bouts of fire to their whims. They are also incredibly light on their feet—not enough to fly, but enough agility that people may mistake it for flight.

Yōkai: A race of shapeshifters who can transform into, usually, animals rather than people or other things. There are other subclasses of Yōkai, but for this one it is the animal shapeshifter with one of the best abilities of all: Good Luck. Nobody knows how it happens, but they tend to have better luck and ability at completing tasks or finding targets.

Fae: Fae is a broad term for many subspecies, but in general Fae have a high affinity to sensing magics and curses, as well as an instinct and intuition in how to work those magics. Some Fae are more nature based while others are more ‘people’ based (healing, mind-control, etc).

Demon: Another term that covers a huge array of subspecies. In general, Demons tend to possess an ability to control more base and primal magics as well as the instincts within people.

If you have any questions about these, just post them in the comments and I will do my best to clarify or expand! :)



Also I'm glad you're willing to input five different races, it leaves a lot of room for replay ability. I bet this will be really fun, also I wasn't expecting this to come out until after book 2 came out for some reason so I'm very excited to get something to tide us over until May ;)


Hopefully the prologue will be released at the end of March, and the first chapters of each route not too long after that! It's helping me with the long wait as well! :D


Question - what happens in the case of ties (looking over the list, it seems like that could be a possibility)?


I was going to collect the ties and randomise them and pick the ones that came out of random generator, but thankfully that's not needed! :D