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Another super busy week! It just flew by and now I'm like 'How are we half way through February???' :D

Really pleased with how the plan is coming together though. I would like to do another expansion of it before I begin writing, but I'll have to judge that by my schedule.

Still, expanding it is going well. I went from one page of A4 for a chapter plan to 10 pages! And that's only one version. This particular chapter has two completely different versions of it...It's gonna be so cool, but this is why planning is so important. Doing all this now will mean when I come to write I'm not slowed down by trying to think of things or forget variations, especially with so many branches to consider! (So yeah, that's a bit of advice if you're getting into interactive fiction- plan REALLY well!)

Though there's N's scene for that version of the chapter that I'm a bit back and forward on. I like it, well, I love it, but I don't know if it's placed well in that chapter. So I'll have to think on that and possibly move it. But I'll keep going on other chapters in the mean time and think on it as I go. 

There was also one character thing that I'd talked about being unsure of before and thought I'd settled on. Well, I've properly managed to sort that now, yay!! I know that's all very vague, but it had been making me very anxious for a long time and to have that super settled is a huge weight from my mind!

So yeah, things are going smoother now on that end!

For The Curse of Creek Edge, I've been really pulling together everything in preperation for NaNoRenO next month, when I can finally get started! I've got some sketches and logo ideas and plans ready to go. I'm so excited to get back to some art and the visual side of stories as well :D A scratch I've been wanting to itch for some time.


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a little moment of F being, well, F in Book Two :D

"And then there's special little Natkins," $!{felix} purrs, switching ${f_his} gem-coloured gaze like a spotlight onto ${nate}.


Hm, what could be being discussed in that scene, I wonder... Nice little mystery for you all, hehe ;D

Hope you all remember to love yourselves and each other this Valentine's, and I'll talk to you next week <3

(I'm still waiting for A LOT of replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 


Robbert Michel

Lovely. 💓 As an aside... most mail junk folders get automatically emptied after a month, as such you might need to send out a mail again to those of us who missed it.


Yeah, I'm planning to do a big round of messages to try and catch people who haven't responded. Hopefully that'll help!


Have a happy Valentine to you too 💕❤️


Happy Valentine’s Day, Sera! 💕 All this good news is definitely a great valentine!

Katie Williams

And the happiest of valentine's to you too Sera! And everyone else here as well 💕

Silver Fair (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:23:18 Buon San Valentino Sera &lt;3
2020-02-14 17:04:04 Buon San Valentino Sera <3

Buon San Valentino Sera <3

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-16 04:23:18 Hope you had a lovely one! &lt;3
2020-02-17 09:32:12 Hope you had a lovely one! <3

Hope you had a lovely one! <3