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Valentine’s Prompt: Too big teddy bear


“Agh, jeez! Just go…through…the door—WHOA!” A yelp expels from me as I crash through the doorway and tumble headfirst towards the floor. Thankfully, the way-too-large teddy bear gripped in my arms is enough to break my fall, and instead I bounce off it and roll onto the rug of the living room.

As I stare at the ceiling—a frown on my face and the teddy pressed against me—a pair of curious and sparkling amber eyes peer down at me from above.

“What you doing?” Farah asks, her lips quivering with a grin I just know she is barely holding back.

A sigh escapes me. “You said you wanted one of those massive teddy bears holding the sickly-sweet pink hearts for Valentine’s.” I shift the teddy bear around to show the pink velvet heart with the words ‘I wuv you’ embroidered in curling font. Buying it from the store over at The Square certainly earned me a few looks. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Ah, [redactedpetname], that’s so sweet.” The grin is now hidden behind her hand. “But I also said I wanted one of those cool curved swords in the antiques shop next to it.”

I shrug. “The teddy bear was a bit more practical.”

She lets out a chuckle and leans down to help me to my feet, relieving me of the toy the second I’m standing. 

Her eyes glimmer even brighter as she stares over it. “I love it.” She glances to me, the grin softened to something more serious. “And I love that you remembered. I must have talked about this months ago.”

“I listen, you know,” I say with a smile of my own before wrapping my arms around her to tug her closer. The teddy squeezes between us, but I push myself as close as possible. Farah aids in the embrace by wrapping her free arm around me to keep us close. “Especially when it’s you that’s talking.”

“Oh, aren’t you full of the sweet flirts today,” she jokes, arching closer around the bear to press a kiss on my lips.

I lean back. “Oh, did you want me to stop? I’ll totally stop—”

She tugs on my collar and gazes into my eyes with an intensity that makes my heart thump. “Shut up and kiss me.”

I let out my own soft laugh before leaning forward to close the gap.




This is so sweet, I can hardly *bear* it 😁 but seriously this is adorable and makes me so excited for what's to come with Farah 💖💖💖💖💖💖

Cat B

Ah, Farah is just the cutest!!!