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An exciting week this week! Still typing up and expanding the chapter plans for Book Three. I'm currently on a chapter which has a lot of variation within a bunch of LI split scenes, so I'm pushing my brain to make sure those are seriously well planned!

I'm really eager for where Book Three is going. I'm still back and forth on working out a couple of new character things, but that's more ironing out how exactly I want them to be. Their personalities and place in the stories are pretty set, but unlike Book Two characters, they are being trickier in letting me form them!

And in some big exciting news, I can finally give a hint (more like a big reveal, hehe!) on what else I've been working on:


The main Wayhaven series will still be my main focus, so I will work on that during my work day, then I will work on Creek Edge visual novel in my free time on an evening and weekend. So it will be a long term project, but I am hoping to get at least the prologue done for NaNoRenO in March.

The eventual demo will include the prologue as well as the first chapter of each route. 

I will be using my usual format for visual novels with Creek Edge, so the branching comes more from choosing your LI and then the endings, unlike main Wayhaven where there's tons of branching :D

I'm so excited to be able to do so much Wayhaven stuff and expand the world and stories in it!! 

So look out for more info and hints to come!


For Update+ this week, I thought I would share some extra info about The Curse of Creek Edge before others get to know!

- There will be four romance routes: 2 female, 2 male. They will be able to be romanced by all genders of MC.

- You will be able to play as male, female, and NB.

- The plan is to have customisable sprites, which also means your individual MC will show up in the CGs.

- Agent Fuller is one of the Love Interest options.

Hope you all have a brilliant weekend, and I'll talk to you next week! :)

(I'm still waiting for A LOT of replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 


Sue A.

Oh. My. Goodness. I am PUMPED for this new VN! (Also, Agent Fuller?! *fangirl squeal*)

Nour S

Yes!!! Sera I’m so excited thank you!!!

Cat B

This is great news to start the day with! It's sounds so cool!!! <3

Carolyn Williams

This is so exciting! Can't wait to woo Agent Fuller her hee


How on earth do you get so much done Sera?! Puts my work ethic to shame 😅.


Routine and no social life, as well as an overwhelming passion for stories, hehe! 😂 (Aahh! I just found out how to add emojis!!)


All of this is exciting news! I'm super excited for Curse of Creek Edge and of course book 3.


"Agent Fuller is one of the options" look! That's my soul leaving my body an ascending to paradise! Say hi!!!




Oooh!! this is so exciting!


Haha! So much for keeping this under wraps! :) I can't wait to romance ALL the options!!!!