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Valentine’s Prompt: The unexpected gift


The many, many balloons bop together as they hang in the air, prevented from rising to the ceiling by curled pink and white ribbons attached to heart-shaped weights.

“Is it too much?” Nate asks, his expression creased in uncertainty.

I stare with wide, unblinking eyes at my living room, which almost blinds me with the glare of a hundred metallic Valentine’s balloons expressing a myriad of sweet and overly lovey-dovey sentiments.

“No, its…uh…It’s just a surprise!” I manage to stumble out, blowing out a sharp breath to keep one of the balloons from knocking into me.

Nate shakes his head. “It’s too much. I knew it was. I was excited and—”

I turn in the doorway and place my hands on his chest. “It’s perfect,” I say with a smile. “You’re perfect.”

He tenses beneath my fingers a little at that statement before relaxing and returning my smile. “Nothing can be more perfect than you, [redactedpetname].”

“Oh man,” I say with a slight moan. “Are we one of those couples?”

He raises a brow before frowning. “What couples?”

“You know,” I clear my throat to put on my best high-pitched voice, “‘Oh, sweety-dumpling, you’re the best. Oh no, honey-snookums, you’re the best’.”

He bursts out a laugh, the rich sound of it enveloping me and drawing a bright smile onto my face before I can stop it.

He places his hands over mine. “I think we are, honey-snookums.”

I roll my eyes. “Stop teasing me.”

His arm moves around to trace his fingertips in circles over my lower back. “Would you prefer another kind of teasing?”

My body springs to life at the intimate touch before my gaze shifts to my apartment. “Unless you want to get strangled by ribbons, then not right now.”

“Yes, I apologise…” He rubs a hand over the back of his neck. “I thought it would be more romantic than awkward.”

“It is romantic,” I argue. “And I love it…sweety-dumpling.”

His frown breaks into a relieved smile. Then I wrap my fingers into his shirt to yank him closer and show him just how much I appreciate the unexpected gift.




This scenario cured my depression and watered my crops.


Eeeee <3 thanks so much for this, I'm wondering, do certain LI have special pet names for the Detective, or can you choose your pet names for your character and the LI?


Of all the appearances from Redacted, i never expected they’re cousin RedactedPetName to make an appearance. This was so lovely, Sera!! Nate never fails to make my heart melt! <3

Nyiko Doris Ndlovu

I love one (1) vampire man. Nate Sewell, the only man ever


N? Going overboard on Valentines Day? I am *shocked*.


Flustered Nate may be my favorite version of Nate. He's just too precious.


This is adorable!! But ir eally want to know if we get to see that redacted pet name in book 2!!


Oh yeah, that static electricity is going to be a pain lol

Cat B

This is so incredibly cute!!! I just love it! <3

Georgia Wastell

aaaaa i can't wait to find out that pet name!


redactedpetname is the best pet name lol

Claudia Pieters

Gaaaahh, I'm so happy I found this gem! I recently joined your patreon and read book one and two, and wow I'm so hooked it's ridiculous! Nate is definitely making me swoon. This valentine's special is enough to make me giggle and feel like a teenager again. I love it! Their dynamics is adorable and I can't wait for more of it in book three!


You know, I would not mind Nate being strangled by ribbons and at the Detective's mercy. :D