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Valentine’s Prompt: Roses


“I just think it’s super romantic, is all,” Farah says with a shrug, barely listening to Morgan’s arguments on the subject. It was difficult to fake my surprise when Morgan revealed she didn’t think Valentine’s Day was worthwhile.

“It’s just an excuse to sell shit no one needs,” Morgan continues, puffing out a stream of smoke. 

Nat shakes her head from where she’s sat on the window seat of the Warehouse’s living room. “How is an excuse to enjoy romance and celebrate love something terrible?”

Morgan opens her mouth before Nat raises a hand. 

“I’m sorry, forgot who I was talking to,” Nat groans, to which Morgan gives a deep chuckle.

“What about you?” Farah asks, gesturing with a nod to Ava, who has been silent throughout the whole debate. “What’s your thoughts on today?”

Ava arches a brow and lets out a long sigh. “I have no thoughts on the subject. None of us are participating in it, so why should we discuss it?”

“It’s like, I was expecting a boring answer, but that was even worse than your normal dullness,” Farah replies through a dry tone. 

Ava shoots her a glare. “I merely think there’s no point in having an opinion—”

“Wait,” I call, holding up my hands. “You not having an opinion?”

Farah breaks into a laugh and we high-five.

Ava ignores our amusement. “If I were to have an opinion, I believe something understated would mean more.”

“Understated how?” Nat asks.

She shrugs. “Something simple. A moment together, maybe. Or if that’s not possible, then something small to show your true feelings if they can’t be shared or spoken.”

“Like?” Farah prompts further. 

“I am unsure, but something subtle that said more than appeared.”

I almost fall off my chair in shock at the rather romantic notion she holds. “I think that would be perfect.”

Her lips twitch at the corners in the faintest hint of a smile before she goes back to reading the tome balanced in her lap.

“Nah, you want something big like one of those massive teddy bears or a massive bouquet!” Farah counters.

Morgan sneers. “Ugh…”

With the debate about to begin again, I stand from my place. “I better get going. It’s going to be busy out there tonight with dates and couples, so I want to get home before that.”

After the usual goodbyes, I head out into the chill air to head home.

And at home, I find one single rose on my doorstep with a card that simply reads ‘A simple thing can speak volumes.

My heart stops for a long beat.




I've waited months to come back and read these scenarios... it's so worth it :,)


All I can say is.. “Damn”