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Another interesting and busy week! :D

My computer was still out of commission, and I had trouble getting hold of a laptop so it was a major case of catch up throughout the week for edits! But I did manage to fill my time with other necessary things ready towards submission (thinking up a bunch of different needed blurbs, planning out graphics, etc).

But I am happy to say, my computer is finally back!! Woohoo! I just got it back like 30 minutes ago, so a bit late, lol. Still it should really help me finish up the last of the edits from the testing (which ends today!), and then final runthroughs and everything over the weekend.

So I am completely on schedule for submitting the game on Monday!! 

I emailed Hosted Games this week too, and there is some final save import testing that needs to be done after the game is submitted, but I'm hoping that won't be too much. A few awesome testers and the always incredible @spunkycatninja have offered to continue on a bit longer to help with that, as well as Hosted Games being a massive help with setting that up!

It does mean I can't take off a few days next week like I hoped, but this part is super important obviously to ensure everyone can import their MCs smoothly!

This really is the last push for submission!!!! I am so excited!


For Update+ this week, I thought I'd share a bit of a story line instead of interaction:

'And, with a final nod at each other, we step forward and enter through the foreboding darkness of the entrance.'

Hope you all have an incredible weekend, and I'll update you on Monday when it's been submitted! :D

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards. So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



Yay! You’re almost at the finish line! Great job to you and everyone else involved to make this happen. I cannot wait for its release 😊


First - I can't wait to play it! Hopefully it won't take too long for them to approve it 😊 Second - I was wondering... at the start of the demo, there are options to "make" our own save (decide key moments, make the character, recap/no recap). Will it be available in the full game?


Thank goodness that the computer is back! And that it didn’t cause any issues with submitting it! This is so exciting 💕


Yay, your computer's back! They always seem to break when you need them most, I'm glad you weren't without it for too long :) the finish line is so close, I'm excited! here's hoping the limbo between submission and release isn't too long...

Michael Reddy

Can’t wait ! 🤗🤗🤗


CAN’T WAIT! Honestly I wanna hurry up with book 2 cause I have probably 20 saves with like almost 10 versions of one character with different run throughs


It's so nice to have it back. Laptops are great, but it's not quite as easy to work on them as a computer for me, lol :D


Oh I will