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Writing Prompts 

- A rainstorm

- Blood pumping through veins

- A piano


Nat slams her fingers onto the keys, but the haunting melody is still not loud enough to drown out the battering of the rainstorm outside. The living room windows almost seem to buckle beneath the howling winds, the panes shaking with fear as lightning streaks across the sky, as though the gods themselves are angered.

But the tune plays on. Nat scowls down at the white and black keys as they're almost hidden in the night’s darkness. She’s so focused that she doesn’t hear the door creak open or notice the Detective step inside and watch her with a worried frown.

Only hiding the sound of the storm matters.

But it’s still not working.


The music stops. And the sound of her name whispered by a familiar voice has the hammering of her heart calming to a pace that once again allows her to breathe.

She glances up to the Detective as they come to stand beside her on the piano stool. They don’t say anything, already knowing why her skin is shining with a film of perspiration and her hands are balled in her lap.

They brush their hand over her forehead, and Nat almost melts into the soothing touch. 

“It’s all right, Nat,” they mutter, and Nat focuses on their voice, letting it block out the crash of thunder which threatens to have the fear consume her.

Nat leans forward with a long breath, resting her head against the Detective’s chest. Exhaustion bites at every limb, her blood pumping with ferocity through every nerve, that she almost falls asleep the moment she hears the calming beat of the Detective’s heart.

They smooth a hand over her hair, humming a tune to drown out the raging storm, and Nat’s eyes flutter closed.

And for the first time, the nightmares ebb away.



Joe Löwenadler

Such talent for words... just... wow!

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 10:28:25 Thank you so much! <3
2019-10-25 15:41:10 Thank you so much! <3

Thank you so much! <3

leogrl19 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 10:28:25 *SCREAMS* Be Still my Angsty Piano Playing Loving HEART. With each of these I get Closer to unraveling you, Nat. Heh. heh heh 😈Favorite Special so far! Gosh - you gave us so Much (yet somehow, so little? Bravo?) Can't wait til my Detective can be on par with this one and know the Root of this fear. Also - so you don't think I'm just skipping along reading only N content (&lt;_&lt;) - going through all these posts before I knew of Wayhaven and - *HUGS*. So sorry for all the Bad; but Lovely seeing all the Good! Thank you for letting us join you in all the Ups and Downs of this Wonderful Experience. ❤️
2020-05-02 19:53:29 *SCREAMS* Be Still my Angsty Piano Playing Loving HEART. With each of these I get Closer to unraveling you, Nat. Heh. heh heh 😈Favorite Special so far! Gosh - you gave us so Much (yet somehow, so little? Bravo?) Can't wait til my Detective can be on par with this one and know the Root of this fear. Also - so you don't think I'm just skipping along reading only N content (<_<) - going through all these posts before I knew of Wayhaven and - *HUGS*. So sorry for all the Bad; but Lovely seeing all the Good! Thank you for letting us join you in all the Ups and Downs of this Wonderful Experience. ❤️

*SCREAMS* Be Still my Angsty Piano Playing Loving HEART. With each of these I get Closer to unraveling you, Nat. Heh. heh heh 😈Favorite Special so far! Gosh - you gave us so Much (yet somehow, so little? Bravo?) Can't wait til my Detective can be on par with this one and know the Root of this fear. Also - so you don't think I'm just skipping along reading only N content (<_<) - going through all these posts before I knew of Wayhaven and - *HUGS*. So sorry for all the Bad; but Lovely seeing all the Good! Thank you for letting us join you in all the Ups and Downs of this Wonderful Experience. ❤️

seraphinitegames (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 10:28:25 I'm so glad you've been enjoying this! It's really nice to know people are still enjoying Wayhaven and want to join me on this journey! &lt;3
2020-05-03 12:59:19 I'm so glad you've been enjoying this! It's really nice to know people are still enjoying Wayhaven and want to join me on this journey! <3

I'm so glad you've been enjoying this! It's really nice to know people are still enjoying Wayhaven and want to join me on this journey! <3


Heck yeah! Here for the long haul! Next stop: Book 2! :D