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Just a quick reminder that I'm still open for questions for the November Q&A if you have any! :)

I'm asking for questions not directed at the characters but for me. So any questions you have about characters, story (nothing spoilery though ;D), lore, world of Wayhaven, writing process, etc, that you might be curious about!

Just pop me a message with the question on here or you can send it to: seraphinitegames@outlook.com

I'll be taking questions up until Oct 31st! Have fun, hehe :D



Do you have any recommendations for really good romance novels (outside of Austin of course ;)? I'd really like to read more but I honestly have an impossible time finding any good ones. And I love the way you write so I was wondering if you have any books that you use as research material?

Dawn Dean

I recall an interactive-fiction writer mentioning being advised that sales drop off dramatically after 3 books, so most writers now don't try for more. What info can you share about your overarching plans you came up with for your 7(?) books to help combat that trend? [For context: I'd like to try my hand at writing an interactive series someday!]