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I know the normal update is tomorrow so I could have waited, but I'm excited!

Coming in at 95,309 words, the base writing for Chapter 16 is complete!!

I still have editing and rewrites to do, but I should get those done today, tomorrow, and over the weekend!

Woohoo! :D


Robbert Michel

95K for this chapter alone... good gods, what is the total looking like for boom 3 right now?


<3 <3 <3


Congrats, Sera!! You’re getting so close to the end!!


congratulations! how close are we getting to the million word mark now? ;)


Oh man, I definitely being more cautious with my plans for Book Three! Don't think people will want another two year wait, hehe :D


A while off yet, thankfully :D I've definitely hit into the 600,000 word mark for Book Two overall though...whoopps, lol.

Silver Fair

Honestly, you're amazing. Thank you for working so hard! I know it's a bitch for you... BUT I'M SO GLAD BOOK 2 WILL BE LONGER! The longer the better hehe :P


I'm making sure the quality is just as good as the length though! That sounded like a bad innuendo, but it really wasn't, lol! :D


That is an impressive length for one chapter!


There split scenes and branches in this one, so it all ends up adding to a big total when they're combined together into one word count :D


I am familiar with how word count is calculated, but writing that much just for one chapter (even a branching one) is not insignificant.