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As some of you may have seen yesterday, the base writing for Chapter 16 is complete!! Yay!

I have to do editing, and there is some rewriting for bits I want to do, but I will be finishing that today and over the weekend.

Next week, I won't be jumping straight into Chapter 17 (which is also another HUGE chapter to write) as I really need to do some maintenance kinda stuff.

Choicescript recently had an update, and I haven't actually downloaded it yet. So I need to do that, see if I can get a save system working in it (or poor @spunkycatninja will have an impossible time editing, and readers and beta-testers won't enjoy that either, hehe!), then do some playtests and bug checking.

I haven't playtested it since like Chapter 14, when Choicescript got the update, as it was going to take time. So I need to catch up on that badly to check for story flow, consistency, and—of course—bugs!

I'll probably be starting Chapter 17 next Wednesday or Thursday, but I'm still waaaay ahead of where I thought I'd be :D

So yeah, a brilliant week of pushing forward, and now onto some maintenance!


For Update+ this week, I struggled to choose something non-spoilery but also because there was so much I enjoyed and wanted share, hehe!

In the end, I settled on a fun little moment from one of the choice options with Mason/Morgan:

"Sidekick? I'm the one who came up with the plan," ${mason} counters, but there's an unusual lightness to ${m_his} tone and amusement in ${m_his} eyes.

"But I'll look so much better in a cape."

$!{m_his} gaze drifts over me for a moment. "Can't argue with that."


Ah, Mason/Morgan, this isn't even your romance route, lol! :D

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and I'll talk to you next week! :)

(I'm still waiting for quite a few replies about rewards—and also for Patreon notifications to catch up on new people have signed up, sorry! So if you're still waiting, then you may have an email, possibly in your junk folder, or a message on Patreon from me about it. If not, then please do get in contact and I'll sort that ASAP! It's never too late to get in touch!

I won't be around on the weekend, as I take a break from internet, but I'll send out rewards/messages ASAP on Monday!) 



Lightness to their tone??? Oh my god it's starting, he's starting to get mushy 😭😭


M never fails to make me blush. Or my character for that matter.


Your work ethic is so inspiring Mishka! You're really flying through these chapters.


Oh gosh, make sure to make some time to relax and pet the rats while you’re at it! Also, M, you know most people wear other clothes with the cape, right??


Thank you! Hoping I can get some of Sunday to rest a bit <3 Clothes with a cape? M would definitely think that was unnecessary, hehe! :D

Silver Fair

Mason as a friend is awesome <3 cannot wait to be bestie with him at least in one play :) Also goodluck with editing, it's my least favorite part of the writing process :/


Can’t wait for book two! Also by the way I noticed a bug on the beta where if you load a save you end up stuck on the stats screen with no way to escape other than restarting felt like I should let you know


Editing is quite the struggle, especially as I constantly have to stop myself adding too much stuff as I go through it, hehe! :D


I think that has to do with the random dice roll that decides some of the scenes. Hoping that'll be fixed in the main game! :)


Same here :)


Of all the things I'm excited for over the course of this series, the thawing of M (as a friend or romantically) is very high on the list ❤️