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This is a bit of an 'Unseen Scenes' thing again, but I had completely forgotten about it so I thought it would be fun to share.

This is a snippet I wrote when I was about 15 or 16. I have notebooks filled with Wayhaven snippets I've written over the very long development cycle :D Some of which will be updated, and make it into the series!

This one won't as it was a very early idea for Felix's character (when Felix had changed to Alex for a little while. Thankfully, that didn't stick!)

For anyone who can't read the image 'cause of my incredibly scrawled handwriting, lol:

'"…Austen time?" She didn't mean to sound so shocked. When someone said Regency she thought of gentlemen with manners so polite they verged on boring. Yet, she couldn't deny the romantic ideas she had of Mr Darcy or (someone—I obviously thought I'd come up with some other character later, lol!). Alex didn't exactly fit that image.

"Exactly," he confirmed.

"But you're so…" She tried to think of a polite way to say what she was thinking.

"Charming?" he offered. "Dashing?" He gave another one of his white-toothed, heart-fluttering smiles.

"Not Mr Darcy." Was all Lauren could come up with. Nate laughed and Alex sighed.

"You do realise he didn't actually exist?" Alex retook his seat, apparently not so impressed with her response.'


So there you have it. In the distant past, Felix was originally meant to be from Regency times :D

Nothing to do with my immense love of Regency romances. Of course not... ;D

Hope you enjoyed the little foray into the development of Wayhaven, hehe!


Silver Fair

This was great! Really, it's so great to have a window in the past. I really find incredible how long Wayhaven has been in the making. Makes me wonder how many great stories are out there in people's minds but never get to the paper. Thank you for not giving up on it :)


Aah, thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed that peak into the development, hehe. I wonder that too at times!


ooh I love it!