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Question for Nat:As her oldest and closest friend, do you ever fear that Ava's stubbornness will keep her from finding happiness with the Detective?”


“I fear her stubbornness will prevent her from doing many things, as it already has in the past,” Nat replies with a soft chuckle. “But I’m not entirely sure it’s just stubbornness that is affecting Ava in this matter.” 

She leans back, folding her hands together in her lap. “When you’ve lived as long as we have, it’s plenty of opportunity for events and circumstances to happen to…haunt you. To persuade you against doing certain things.” She smiles. “But stubbornness is also a big issue for her.”



Awww, A is gonna be alright, N! Don’t worry! MC is gonna worm their way into A’s heart! 💕

Silver Fair

I so hope my detective in romance with Adam will be bestie with Nate. Nate is probably the best friend anyone can ever have <3 Always so worried for his team!