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i keep changing my mind.

or i’m simply living,
and realizing,
i was wrong.
oops, i was wrong again.
when will it finally sink in,
that i know nothing?

the knowing,
the unknowing.

when we know THAT
that is when we can think.

everything is always changing,
nothing is forever,
nothing is an absolute solid truth.
everything is based on when it happens
and who it happens to
and how they have experienced the world up to this point.

“if i can feel
then i can know
and then i can think.” I say.

really what it is,
I can feel,
I can know that I don’t know
and then,
only then,
can i think.

to take each moment as it is.
to want to know each person as they are.

to know that we know nothing,
would maybe lead us to only ever knowing
the only thing we ever can.
our own bodies,

in this moment.

our own breath,
being breathed in
and out of us.

that is all there is,
and that is all we can ever know.
presence is the only truth?
how can we truly KNOW the only thing there is to know?



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