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maybe we are the flowers.
maybe we are the ones who need to come alive
and bite
and strangle a little bit of life
to create new life.
maybe we need to strangle a little bit of our desires and addictions
and JUST GET RID OF the temptation.
get it the fuck out of the house.
get it the fuck out of my home.

maybe we are the flowers,
and all it takes to become a flower,
is to acknowledge that we have harmed,
AND that we are only good.

and maybe we can only be only good
if we are acknowledging the pain we have caused
and moving on from it.
acknowledging the pain we have caused
and asking for forgiveness in it.
AND changing our actions.
faith without works is dead.
words without works is dead.
belief without action is dead.

you believe in a heaven?
and yet you do nothing to create what you believe?
you believe in something
and expect someone to come down from the clouds and make what
you desire to happen,
because no one else believes or
no one else makes moves according to their beliefs?

you create it.
you create what you believe to happen.

I know that heaven is real
and I know that it is nothing like we have been told.
I know that heaven is real
and it is simply a world where
we all ask for what we want and need
and where we all feel comfortable being honest about what
we can or cannot give to another.
heaven is a world where we hear another’s no
and rejoice in their no
as much as their yes
because their honesty is the best thing they could ever give you.
their honesty is the only truth you could ever have in any moment.
their true sadness or grief or exhaustion.

we have created a world where to “grow up”
means to hide all of our emotions
that were somewhat aloud as children.
but this world is not real.
this world is the simulation.
I want to be real
and I want every other person
I interact with to be real.

“no one reads, no one needs.
useless art, this useless heart,
useless art, what am I, why am I, incomplete, obsolete.”

god is simply life.
and life begets life,
but we have created a world that hates life
that worships money over life.

And so life is fighting back.
the great green earth that feeds us and nourishes us
and gives and gives and gives until there is nothing left
has decided,
so be it,
if you want to take until
there is nothing left,
let there be nothing left.

could we change it?
could we change the course of the river?
could we all finally
believe that there is something more
and try to make every action we take be in favor of that belief?
and could we not be afraid of causing harm in our trying?
can we allow ourselves to not be afraid of being human anymore?
could we allow ourselves to open up to the criticism
of the world?
knowing we are only good,
and knowing we can always be better.

so someone coming along side us and urging us to be better,
only means that they believe in our goodness!!!!
how incredible.

how beautiful.

for someone to believe in us so much
to the point that they face their fear of rejection
and tell us where we have caused pain.

the earth is in pain,
we fucking know this.
we know all of the ways we are causing this pain.
we know it.
and we can stop it!
we can.
if we want to,
we can.
and so we will.
and so we must.
stop buying anything.
we do not need to be creating anything new from pieces of the earth.
everything we need is already here.
we have more than enough in existence on this planet to last the rest of humanity existence
without harming any other part of the great green earth.




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