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what the fuck is language for? its not for being perfect. its for communicating. for connection, for being WITH another human in a more truthful way. but when the focus is on correct grammar and correct wording and correct punctuation - that connection is already gone. when the focus is on being right when there is only one way to be right, was there ever even a focus on connecting? or just to make sure we’re staying in the programmed world designed for us to fail? was the focus just on proving ourselves to our other humans to show them we know the way, we know how to human? but do we? do we know how to human or do we just know how to follow rules? and rules that keep us FROM being human. i want to be human and my version of human that i want to be is to allow you in. allow you to see me. my messy all over million and one versions of me. and please, show me your human, your chaotic, want to be put together but so not together, hateful loving human... in music, in speech, in dance, these are all artforms. and as an art, isn’t the thing that makes something art is that it’s different, it pushes, it pulls, it tears away the things that should be and says “fuck you, i’ll be everything and nothing, i’ll be everything wrong with the world and nothing like what you tell me i should be. i’ll be grammatically incorrect even more, partly because it’s what you tell me to be and i will not listen, and partly because to be correct in speech feels to me a taking away of who i am. a conditioning of me to be like everyone else and to fall in line. i won’t. i can’t.



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