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Here's some of the mods I helped with since the last KKS HF Patch. You can see a list of other contributors in the changelogs, don't forget to thank them if you see them around!

All of these are available in the KKS HF Patch v1.1.

There are more plugins for KKS being released in the #sunshine-mod-sharing channel on the Koikatsu Discord server, check it out if you want to stay up to date! 



You're the best. So far grinding the story mode for more H positions. The struggle is real. ahah


If you don't mind cheating, you can unlock them in the debug menu (pause key).

Ladon Marin

For some reason the InitSetting doesn't work properly it says failed to initialize KKManger parameter name:start index but it still loads it so i don't know if I need to fix it. Also thanks for the hard work and all who work with ya!


Try KKS HF Patch v1.1, when installing make it remove old plugin settings.

Neko Chaos

A needed mod is background fader The one that lets you change the loading screen/ transition color so im not flashbanged each time i play in the evening


Game is crashing when I try to load my save since recent update. What could be causing the issue?


If you installed the latest official game update then you might have gotten the broken version. Either redownload the latest full update or wait for the next KKS HF Patch (coming this week).