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What plugins to port to KKS first?

  • SkinEffects (sweat, bukkake, etc. in H scenes) 389
  • PantyFairy (side quest, extra talk scene options) 76
  • Pregnancy (a chance to win a lottery in every H scene) 298
  • BecomeTrap (change gameplay when playing a trap/futa character) 124
  • GameplayMod (force raw, quit first h scene without inserting, experienced with only 1 hole) 187
  • Other main game plugins (comment which) 26
  • Studio plugins (comment which) 22
  • 2021-10-04
  • —2021-10-07
  • 1122 votes
{'title': 'What plugins to port to KKS first?', 'choices': [{'text': 'SkinEffects (sweat, bukkake, etc. in H scenes)', 'votes': 389}, {'text': 'PantyFairy (side quest, extra talk scene options)', 'votes': 76}, {'text': 'Pregnancy (a chance to win a lottery in every H scene)', 'votes': 298}, {'text': 'BecomeTrap (change gameplay when playing a trap/futa character)', 'votes': 124}, {'text': 'GameplayMod (force raw, quit first h scene without inserting, experienced with only 1 hole)', 'votes': 187}, {'text': 'Other main game plugins (comment which)', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Studio plugins (comment which)', 'votes': 22}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 7, 23, 0, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 4, 22, 42, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1122}


Hello, I hope everyone's doing well!

Here's a list of what major plugins still need porting to KKS (and that are non-trivial to port). Pick which plugins you want to see ported first, and I'll prioritize the popular ones!

You can follow latest plugin releases on the discord server or by watching their github pages. I don't send out patreon email notifications for non-major plugin updates now because I was sending too much with all the updates and started triggering spam filters. 



Honestly I'd pick all of them, but I personally would like Pregnancy, PantyFairy, and GameplayMod prioritized since those have a bigger effect on gameplay. BecomeTrap also counts but that's not really my thing tbh.


IMO, I thought BetterPenetration mod might be priority seeing as several animations are bugged out with penises poking through abdomens. Although I may be mistaken in how difficult it is to port. Otherwise, from the list presented, I'd be into SkinEffects.

Anon Tito

I'm pretty sure I've asked this before, and been told no one has created anything like this, but I think it would be really cool if there was a way to pre-select all the options for an H scene. E.g. select one position, wait 10 seconds, select another, finish, etc. Even if it's not UI friendly, is there any API that would allow for this?


I would like to say they are stable version of PushUp and Bulge. In sunny Shinshine island, my male character waer red Fundoshi then Bulge will pretty much needed.


I think Better Penetration is one of the better enhancements here. Not sure where it belongs so I just voted Others. Personally I also like the old POV plugin from IPA that simply places the camera at the head of the male. I don’t like the warped look of the current POV :( .


Pregnancy is 100% my true fetish


Lewd Crests!


Better Penetration + more BP uncensors


Without Better Penetration some H scenes have visual glitches. And more uncensors would be also great.


You can decrease the FOV to get it to look the same, the game default is at around 45.


BP is made by someone else, he's working on a KKS port but has hit some issues https://www.patreon.com/Animal42069/posts?filters[tag]=BetterPenetration


BP is made by someone else, he's working on a KKS port but has hit some issues https://www.patreon.com/Animal42069/posts?filters[tag]=BetterPenetration


I want KK_MoreAccessoryParents to be ported to KKS.


I voted Become Trap........ that sounds so wrong on so many level lol.


I don't know what the add on for this is called, but the one where the male body doesn't disappear when using hands/tongue


Sorry Im a little fuzzy, what was the mod from KK that allowed you to edit bones in FREE H, has that been imported? if not thats my vote, lol




Would love to see update for Lewd Crests

Forgotten Reach

if there is a possibility to add a furry head I would be forever grateful XD




Too late for the poll, so sorry about that, but is there any possibility of a plugin that allows transfer/use of the old KK cards? Or would that require its own utility?


You can use KK cards normally, just put them in your character folder or drop them into the game window.


I'm having an issue getting the skin effects to load. I regularly update but get an error message on launch saying it needs the Marco.kapi 1.27 and ksox 4.0.6. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The game still works just not the new skin effects.


Update KKAPI and OverlayMods to latest versions, or wait for the upcoming HF Patch update, it should be out in a couple of days.


Thank you. I will try that. Appreciate all your hard work.


I think its time to give up useing mods for HoneySelect2 and AI-Shoujo before i mass things up and beside from the last update i give them both from KKmanager 0.18.0 now when it updates its saying waiting for files to download and loading and still loading and thats it nothing so i feel its time to give up with this its lost it fun for me .


If you break your game when modding it you can install the latest HF Patch for it to fix it in most cases.


I'd like if the body/eye/hair randomizer from KK was ported to KKS, literally the only major thing missing for me where kks would otherwise be an upgrade in every way. I believe it's the "KK_RandomCharacterGenerator" mod.


Thanks for the suggestion, I added it to my todo list.

ようかん ひなびた

This is a very personal request, but I would like a KKS version of kk_gamepadsupport. For some reason, when playing Koikatsu and Sunshine remotely, I can't use the mouse to control the viewpoint, so I have to use the Gamepad's viewpoint control via Steam Link using the XBOX controller's simulation mode. Let's all play Koikatsu remotely via GamepadSupport and SteamLink.


honestly I just want the random selector for free h on vr and some new positions and I'd be hella happy


vmd plugin would be good


Any status update on the trap mod? Waiting for that with some anticipation!


Can you test if this build works correctly for you? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/767894818402598923/923019131110981692/KKS_BecomeTrap.dll


I'm away on a short trip but once I get back I will give it a try this weekend!


I know I'm several months late for this, but I'd still want to say that I'd like to see the "Better Scenes" plugin ported to KKS, if it wasn't already, or if there's no equivalent. I liked it for being able to redact pre-existing animations thanks to moving limbs and rotating bodies around. I used it in HS2 to redact some animations that might look wrong (hands clipping through chest, for example), etc. EDIT: completley forgot to say, but could you please make a version of the Gameplay Mod plugin that disables stat degradation? It makes managing girls a bit tideous, but I'd like to keep every other option the mod has.


Can you send link to the plugin you mentioned? You can disable all features of the gameplay mod in plugin settings.


https://github.com/Mantas-2155X/BetterHScenes This is the plugin in question, I'd love to see it ported to KKS. As for the gameplay mod, the stats degradation option is not present if I remember correctly edit: yes, that option is not present as a toggle