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Plugin that adds more character customization settings to character maker of various games made by Illusion. These additional settings are saved inside the card and used by the main game and studio. You can see these settings marked orange in maker, and in the advanced window.

What's new?


  • Fixed adding advanced sliders not working properly 


  • Fixed modified bones gradually drifting when reloading a character
  • Fixed unnecessary baseline updates and reduced unnecessary allocations (overall performance improvements)

You can see the full changelog including previous versions here

How to use?

  1. Make sure that you have at least BepInEx 5.0 and the latest Modding API for your game installed, and your game is updated.
  2. Download the latest release for your game below. You only need the version specific for your game.
  3. Extract the release to your game directory. The dll file should end up inside BepInEx\plugins folder in your game's directory.
  4. Start character maker, you should see new settings and categories show up. ABMX settings are highlighted in yellow. You can turn on the advanced window in bottom right in KK/EC and in plugin settings in AI (press F1).

View source code 

