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Trainer for some games made by Illusion. It allows control over player, heroines, and most other aspects of the game. It also integrates with RuntimeUnityEditor to provide useful debugging tools.

What's new?


  • [KK] Added basic heroine desire controls (can provoke certain H actions, can work per heroine and globally)
  • [KK] Fixed Force quit H scene button not working (thanks to Lyngbakr)
  • [KK] Fixed the 'Unlock H Positions' button not unlocking modded H positions


  • [HS2] Only show heroine stats during H scenes (the changes are lost in other places)
  • [HS2] Clarified some labels 


  • [HS2] This is the first stable release for HoneySelect2
  • Minor improvements for other games

How to use

  1. Get at least BepInEx v5.1 and RuntimeUnityEditor v2.0 (both included in HF Patch and most modpacks). Warning: When updating the RuntimeUnityEditor, make sure that you remove any old versions from BepInEx\Plugins manually or this plugin won't work!
  2. Download the latest release below.
  3. Extract the release in the game directory, the .dll file should end up inside BepInEx\plugins.
  4. Start the game and to turn it on press the Pause key or the F12 key (depends on the game, you can change it in plugin settings, search for "cheat").
  5. It's recommended to turn on the system console to see if there are any issues with your game. This can be done from English launcher or from plugin settings (turn on both "system console" and "Unity message logging", then restart the game).

View source code 




What about if the cheat tools doesn't seem to want to pull up a menu? All it shows is a hotkey for noclipping, and that's it. I'm using the KKS version.


Nevermind, apparently it can't do the version.

Anthony D'orsa

I redownloaded the game from sctratch and downloaded the full patch but i cant seem to get the cheat menu to pull up. am i missing something


Assuming you installed latest HF Patch for your game, try changing the keyboard shortcut from plugin settings. It's under runtume editor.


Hi, this update is for the koikatsu game too right? And i have installed i think the last bepinex and everything that the last hf patch has; so i just have to install the same way i have been updating the kkpregnancy archive right?


Yes, this update only adds new functions for Koikatsu. If you already have the HF Patch then the chances are you already have everything needed and can just extract the archive in your game directory and replace the old file.


Thank you so much, also i read something about new positions for H scenes ; are they in this patch or do i have to download another stuff; or how do i activate them, thanks


They are not in the patch yet. They might be added to the automatic updater in KK Manager soon (if not already).


Hi, I'm having an issue in KK main game., When selecting a heroine the cheat toolsv2.10 menu, it goes blank and afterwards only works in title screen. Issue is only fixed after restart but issue is repeatable every time.

Danny Marks

I'm having this same issue, if you figure out the fix, please share it.

Danny Marks

Here is the error that appears in console when it happens, posted for Manly Marco. [Error : Unity Log] GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced) [Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Stack trace: UnityEngine.TextEditor.ClampTextIndex (System.Int32& index) UnityEngine.TextEditor.set_text (System.String value) UnityEngine.GUI.DoTextField (Rect position, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUIContent content, Boolean multiline, Int32 maxLength, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, System.String secureText, Char maskChar) UnityEngine.GUI.DoTextField (Rect position, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUIContent content, Boolean multiline, Int32 maxLength, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, System.String secureText) UnityEngine.GUI.DoTextField (Rect position, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUIContent content, Boolean multiline, Int32 maxLength, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) UnityEngine.GUILayout.DoTextField (System.String text, Int32 maxLength, Boolean multiline, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) UnityEngine.GUILayout.TextField (System.String text, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) CheatTools.CheatToolsWindow.DrawHeroineCheats (.Heroine currentAdvGirl) CheatTools.CheatToolsWindow.DrawGirlCheatMenu () CheatTools.CheatToolsWindow.CheatWindowContents (Int32 id) UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [Error : Unity Log] GUI Error: You are pushing more GUIClips than you are popping. Make sure they are balanced)


Redownload KK_CheatTools_2.10.0.0.zip from the post. For a short time right after release there was a broken version of the plugin attached, when I noticed I replaced the file.


Kept pressing the F12 and nothing happened also the game doesnt have pause key to stop it where is that ?


Pause key on your keyboard. If you don't have it then you can change the hotkey in plugin settings.