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So I've been pondering what the general premise would be for a sequel for Spiral Clicker to be engaging, respectful to the first game, and hold open the possibility of at least some returning characters. I wrote out my first draft and thought I would share it to see if this is something you guys would enjoy or if it deviates too much in some ways. Feel free to comment your exact thoughts too.

It has been 200 years since the events of the original Spiral Clicker. As Queen Heidal had predicted, the other mythical realms were paralyzed by their peace treaties, unable to act in an official way against the Lord of Humans. Even as one realm after the next fell under the Lord’s sway.

There were some attempts to assassinate the Lord, but all failed, and soon those assassins too came to serve, followed shortly by the rest of their native kingdoms. In order to protect their Lord, the goddesses Terra and Luna put aside their differences and weaved a spell to cloak the Lord in obscurity.

What the Lord looked like, sounded like, any telling feature was lost in the fog of the spell. The Lord of Humans could be any human, your worst enemy, or your best friend and you would be none the wiser.

Under the Lord’s rule, humanity flourished. Access to mana rapidly improved all aspects of life. Magically enhanced crops grew larger and more flavorful than ever. Healing magic helped cure most disease and injuries that were not immediately fatal. Magical duels of willpower replaced most violent conflict, and transportation had become near effortless.

Though the human’s lifespans would be extended by these new boons, it was nowhere near the seeming immortality of species that produced mana internally. It was 30 years ago that the Lord passed away, at the end of a long happy life, surrounded by those the Lord always chose to keep closest.

In the time since, the Lord’s control faded from most people. The other mythical kingdoms withdrew from the Earth… Though seemingly relieved to be free, these kingdoms unanimously opposed any punishment against the humans. A curiosity few could explain but which held the peace treaties tight.

Without the presence of those who can produce mana, the Eath’s mana supply slowly began to dry. You can still recall casting spells in your youth. You were actually quite gifted, but now even a minor cantrip seemed beyond your grasp.

It seemed like mundanity was returning to become the status quo… At least… Until a green haired elf appeared in your bedroom with an interesting offer...


Mr. Nickname

My only 'thoughts' per say is to have Miss Rack in it and let us turn her into buff rack from Adventure High. Mostly just cause I like buff Rack and Miss Rack in general. And when you have a best girl, you want her everywhere.


Love the idea, however I feel the story would flow better is we saw spiral clicker 1 go over the assassination attempts, and end upon the goddesses casting their spell, then the rest in a recap at the start of spiral clicker 2. Also, if it would be possible, could we get some transformation/body modification in the sequel? Something like what can happen to she shop keep in adventure high, would be hot as fuck.

Michael Vaccaro

I would say I like the start and would look forward to exploring what happens next


Yeah, I can probably add to the story of Spiral Clicker to lead into the sequel before the sequel comes up. It will take some time to get all the ui assets needed to build the new game anyways, and I would like to get Spiral clicker caught up on writing and polishing before I start on the sequel


"Your the first child of the human king" "That is impossible my dad is a bureaucrat" "Your right I'm just messing with you :p"


I like it! Granted, any human characters from the first one would likely be out of the question considering the timespan, but a lot of the supernatural ones could still work. I like the idea of a future world too. More ideas for wild character designs.


Is it possible that he is related to prior MC? (Not via Helen though)


I am not yet decided on if the new main character will be related to the previous Mc, but yeah to avoid incest they won't be related to Helen.


I really like this draft. I like the last part of "Until a green haired elf appeared in your bedroom with an interesting offer..." It seems to imply mischief and I've always liked that the game had a little feel of messing with the NPCs. One character that I would like to see, either in the sequel or the original, is Rosa. Maybe something with her powers can be used to further your control over everything and everyone. Just an idea. I like the idea of the MC of the sequel being the son/daughter of the first MC.


The first Spiral Clicker does a good job making it gender neutral with respect to the player, with alternative pics for the sex scenes. Using a male word like "Lord" contradicts that, doesn't it?


Yeah, it's not the cleanest word for neutrality. I chose it over king and ruler because king was even more male coded and ruler is awkward to use in that way. The idea I have is that nobody knows what the old protagonist looks like or whether they are male or female. If I can come up with a more neutral word though that flows well I will use that though


Personally I really like the idea of Spiral Clicker 2, especially with more "control" over the girls like you said in the post on Thursday. Not a fan of the "sequel" aspect sense I prefer each MC game I play to be its own entity with its own Harem to collect and not connected to someone else, but I am still excited for a Spiral Clicker 2. Also could Tammy re-appear in this version somehow. Its always bothered me that she only had 3 outfits (plus nude) and 4 CGs. Its made her feel incomplete to me, and having her in the sequel (maybe as a summon could) alleviate that? Also could SP2 have more facial expressions to show what the harem girls are being controlled to feel, more variety of costumes to wear at command, and different personalities to be controlled into?


i understand your point, since you probably are looking for a word that represents absolute leadership; I have some ideas for alternative names that may be a bit more gender neutral: Monarch of Humans Leader of Humans Sovereign of Humans Master of Humans Maybe some of them are possible


Personally it is not the premise of a sequel I am against, but the mechanics of one. this is because at the end of the day spiral clicker was a clicker game with very little to do outside of clicking and admiring the cutscenes. If a sequel were to follow the same course at the end of the day it would also be a clicker game but a bit more optimized. If on the other hand the mechanics significantly changed this would be better for this new game but would also require significantly more of your time which would take focus away from games in progress or this new game becomes like mind conquest and gets very few updates due to a high amount of bugs due to the complexity of new mechanics. So really what I am getting at is if you start this as a new project I would be most interested in two things: what the mechanics would be, and how much of your time would it take to work on this game.


I plan to begin coding for this game after I finish Spiral Clicker's polishing and implementing everyone's remaining building scenes and stories. So I would have a lot of time freed up by that. As for Mind Conquest, I am actually having a more skilled programmer working on untangling it and porting it to unity. I haven't announced it yet since it'll be some time before the update is ready but once it is, that game will start to update more frequently again.


I like the idea, I read it and I liked it. I think you should definitely take this idea further.


Spiral Clicker is far and away my favorite of all your games, and, partly because of that, I'm definitely a bit conflicted about this sequel idea. One of the things I loved about the early days of Spiral Clicker was that it was grounded in something very akin to the real world - and specifically, in a real-world college setting. Taking over that campus bit by bit was a delight, especially in how relatable the setting was. And even as the world of Spiral Clicker expanded, it was the stories of the city girl's and county girl's that I enjoyed the most. Not that I didn't also have quite a lot of fun with uncovering Helen's backstory in the fantasy elements - I definitely did! - but that was interesting to me primarily because it was Helen's story, rather than the specific-genre change. Your premise actually helped me clarify my own personal tastes when it comes to mind control and hypnokink, which I'm finding fascinating to unpack. Fantasy and sci-fi are genres I sincerely enjoy in almost all media, but when it comes to MC and hypnokink, I'm realizing that I prefer a story that takes place in a more relatable setting - perhaps because that makes it feel closer to a possible reality. That also may be why Spiral Clicker is my favorite of all your games - it's the only one set in something like the modern world, but extra. That all said, it's your game, and you should work on things that you would personally enjoy as often as you can. If this is the idea that speaks most to you, go for it!


I'm glad you posted this draft, I have mixed thoughts about the content for now, but I'm leaning towards the fact that I like it)

Determined Dragon

I like the idea of a sequel but I think there needs to be more to it than what it was before. Also more minigames please, with new characters unlocked for beating each one.