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So, something I went with for the original Spiral Clicker was to avoid having the protagonist be on screen as much as I could get away with. I personally feel like this makes the game more immersive as you can imagine yourself in the scenarios. 

One challenge with this style, though, is that it is difficult to make CGs of certain poses, actions, or scenarios while also keeping the protagonist off screen. Some scenarios just don't come across well in first person unfortunately, particularly scenes with multiple girls at once.

So I am wondering how you all feel about it. I am sure there are going to be mixed feelings so I will probably only make a change if there is strong support for it. I have a few thoughts how it might work though. 

The main idea I have is that you would be put under the same protective fog spell as the Lord of Humans of the past. Through this effect, you are kept anonymous by changing how you look so your true face is never seen. Protecting you from being targeted via magic. 

This could come in the form of giving the player a new appearance, or it could take the form of a constant convenient censorship of the player's face. Or I could continue to have scenes be viewed strictly in first person. Any way you go, there will still be the option to change your sex freely to see the variation CGs.

I'll have this poll allow multiple options so if you find more than one acceptable you aren't forced to choose between them.



In my opinion, in order to facilitate identification with the CGs, the game would need to provide more than a gender choice, that is, a diversity of options (e.g. gender, race, body build, etc). Otherwise we'll end up with the white, standard build, dark standard-length hair, etc which just a fraction of people can identify with. I know this would involve more work for the CGs, unless the main character can change form to represent diversity.


That is why it would be a glamor instead of the actual character, so more people can say "oh yeah, that's me, I'm just in disguise". Attempting to cover every possible kind of body would be infeasible with my kind of budget.


First person was part of the charm of Spiral Clicker, and big factor in the immersion. Is it possible to still have a health amount of CGs in first person?


Yeah, I would generally lean towards first person as often as possible then use third person when first person isn't able to convey what is happening very well.


I can't really determine unless I get some examples. Maybe further along we could make this vote.