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Here is the second part of the Demon's Bride story. The votes were pretty tight on this one, "He'll do it... For a price (Kinky)" and "there must be another way (Subversive)" ended up perfectly tied here, and on the subscribestar poll, "He'll do it... For a price (Kinky)" ended up winning by a single vote.

The body poll, meanwhile, did have a clear winner, with "he can make the best of a kinky situation" taking the lead by a wide margin. 

I wrote most of the story last night, and then had another bout of stress sickness that wrecked me for most of the night and most of today. Fourth time this year that's happened now, and it never happened before this year... Still have a headache but the shaking and freezing stopped. I finished up the last couple hundred words real quick and I think I'm going to take a break for a day or so before doing anything challenging to give myself a chance to recover.



Damien Jacobs

so kinky and kinky won. because of course they did lol