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Funny thing about sitting in an empty room all day with nothing to do for hours on end. You start pondering things you otherwise don't have a lot of time to ponder about. For instance; what would it look like if I made Spiral Clicker with the resources and knowledge I have today as a starting point?

There are a lot of things I think I would do differently. For one, I would probably make it landscape rather than profile. If I ever manage to put it on the phone it would fit nicely sideways, and on desktop it would comfortably fill the screen rather than being forced to stay small or fall off the bottom of the screen.

I probably also would have designed willpower differently. The overflow errors caught me off guard and while I have them simi-fixed, there still comes a point where it all breaks down, because the core code behind it all is fundamentally flawed due to not being designed around overflow. There are a lot of back-end problems actually that aren't apparent from the player's perspective that worsen performance because I initially planned on a much smaller experience. 50+ characters running code independently at all times is very memory intensive. 

I think I would put a stronger emphasis on having girls do tasks rather than automatic resource generation when unassigned. And I think I would probably have the conquests feature full harem girls from the area rather than just generic girls, and make the conquests more of a hub for the game and progression rather than something you do for a little bit then stop to see if anything unlocked. 

With Spiral clicker hitting feature complete and mostly in the phase of catching up on everyone's stories, cgs and doing general bug fixes and polishing, I am wondering if you guys would be interested in a sequel with all new girls to catch, a new storyline, and a bit more experience going into it. 


Damien Jacobs

femdom spiral clicker?


I'd lean more towards a new game concept with the characters, but still a light game, like match 3 or block breaker etc. Something light but not the exact same game (clicker)


one day I would like to do a match 3 game, but I cannot seem to understand the code required for the puzzle board to work. Something just isn't clicking for me.

Damien Jacobs

eh, there's some, but at the end of the day, they're all blank and nude, and calling the player "master"/"mistress"

Damien Jacobs

the number of guys playing as girls in adventure high, just to get that sweet, sweet titnosis action


Yes, but I'd like the same characters in a sequel. I think there is a lot of charming elements in the game (aside from the main appeal). Leaning more into the cookie clicker esk gameplay would be cool as well.


I may be able to have some characters return, such as Helen, or any other immortals but I think I would want the game to take place in the future, so as to avoid either a plot of "you lost your harem somehow, go get it back" or having the new protagonist stealing the old protagonist's harem.

Nicole Barovic

The best reason to make a sequel is to incorporate the things you've learned from the first one, so...


Ahh, you mean more of the player being submissive. I could probably work that in the new game as something a little more connected to the rest of the game

Duke Migrant

You could also add in a visual novel aspect to it. Where instead of multipliers being added by previous upgrades or others; it is instead reliant on your choices/actions/items you have when speaking to the character.


I get it. There are some good characters in the original and I hope that they would return in some capacity. (Maybe re-skins?) But I'd definitely like a little more depth to gameplay.


Possibly; there could be some characters that bear a resemblance to their ancestor

No One Really

As long as the first one still exists, I see no reason not to.

Damien Jacobs

right, a story for those who purposely lose in trials in tainted space and corruption of champions


Definitely more mind control, but possibly additional or different game mechanics?


Yeah, I plan to put more thought into how you play it and give a slightly different feel. I want it easy to play casually, and satisfying.


while I would be interested in a sequel, I wouldn't want landscape or full screen view, nor would I want more task management. In my opinion, a clicker should allow multitasking rather than making you focus all your attention on it. For spiral clicker 1, I have it as a smaller window taking up an 8th of my screen while i watch a video or do something else while clicking. With my setup, landscape view would take up more of the screen, and having to shift between girls to assign tasks sounds like it would quickly turn the game into a chore.


I understand if it’s still an idle game and that can limit implementation options. Maybe just a different feel?


I'll try to avoid making harem management fun and not busy work. My thought is that I want girls in the harem to do things for you, not that you have to constantly do things for them. As for profile vs landscape, full screen won't be mandatory. I am not sure if I can design the game to switch between either view but I will figure out if I can early on.

Richard Williams

Kind of like how Indivi remade Lust doll as Lust doll+, a recreation with the benifits of what you learned making it the first time. You can avoid the coding dead-ends.

No One Really

I agree with Richard, actually. I think more of an enhanced remake of Spiral Clicker would be better, since you don't have to undo the story of the first (the first isn't a story driven game by any means, but it always sucks whcn that happens in sequels)